Home Top 10 Top 10 best cardiovascular exercises and benefits

Top 10 best cardiovascular exercises and benefits

cardiovascular exercises and benefits

What is cardiovascular exercise?

Any exercises that you do with such intensity to increase the heartbeat will fall into the category of cardiovascular training. You probably have got the question in your mind why we need to do the cardio exercises if we are already doing some resistance training or doing yoga etc. well, cardio exercise forces your lungs to break more air, and pushes the heartbeat, which ultimately helps to boost metabolism and burn more calories as usual?

Here also arises the question of what is the best suitable way of doing cardio workouts. Well, you can do it anytime anywhere, but, according to fitness experts, doing cardio after a workout can help you burn more calories and lose extra fat, instead of doing just cardio or doing it any other specific time.

Well, this strategy is for those who have paid for a gym membership or love to train indoors, or in case they are overweight. Unlink that, you can do cardio anywhere, anytime just wear the pair of gym clothes and you are ready to go.

But wait a minute, is running only the type of cardio exercise? Well, No, you can do cardio in several ways.

Let’s discuss each!

There are two types of cardio workouts for fat loss or you are just doing for fun and fitness.

  1. Indoor cardio workouts
  2. Outdoor cardio workouts

Rope jumping

Rope jumping is the best and easiest cardio exercise. It is most important in all parts of the world. you will be sweating a lot in no time. Rope jumping has immense benefits, you can do it at home or the gym, and you would not have to go anywhere, just wear your pair of shoes, and gym clothes, and you can start


  • Start with the timer
  • Initially start rope jumping at least for 45 seconds or 1 min
  • Take a 30-second break to catch a breath
  • Increase time as you go mature with exercise
  • Avoid overdoing it in the beginning, because it causes severe pain in calves,

in the initial stages.

  • Don’t do this exercise if you are struggling with knee pain or you are a patient of arthritis.

Squat jumping

Squat jumping is another indoor exercise that you can do in the gym or at home. It involves the lower body muscles. It is the best exercise to tune up your whole body, you can lose excess fat from thighs, side fat, and belly fat.


  •  Stand tall, and spread your feet at the length of your shoulders.
  •  Look forward, keep your hand at the length of your chin
  • Keep your back straight
  • Squat does as you are trying to sit on the chair,
  • Jump in the air and with a force that your legs are straight in the air
  • Do 8 to 10 reps and take a break for 1 min.


Bicycles are the best exercise to burn more fat, especially from the abdominal area. It is best to build lower body strength. It is the best exercise for every age. it is the best-recommended workout for old age people because they are not able to do jumping jacks or lift any particular weight, so they can run bicycles outdoors. Cycling is also best for those who are suffering from joint pain but want to do cardio workouts to burn some extra fat.

 Stair climbing

Everyone has stairs in his house, garden, or shopping mall. If you are living in a big city, you would have to go through stairs a lot of times in your life. If you want to burn lots of calories in less time. And you do not have the stepper machine. Then climbing stairs can help you to build the lower body and lose body fat as well.


Good for heart

The heart is the most important organ in the body. Your whole body relies on the functionality of the heart. If you work on the heart and improve its functionality, the whole body’s performance will be affected. When we do cardio, the heartbeat increases as compared to the normal pace. Doing so will improve its performance and the heart will be able to pump the blood in its veins.

Management of diabetes

Cardiovascular activities can help to manage diabetes. Doing cardio workouts can help to manage the excessive glucose developed in the body. This also helps to manage the sugar level.

Increase metabolism

Lifting weight and cardio exercises can help you to achieve the maximum metabolism rate. And the higher the metabolism rate will be the more food digestion process will take place. A more metabolism rate will help you to digest your food faster and save you from getting extra body fat.


Cardio is the best workout to burn more calories. Get lean muscle mass and correct your body posture. Cardio can be beneficial for any age, or gender. Cardio is easy to do, you can do it a variety of ways, in the gym, or at home.


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