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Who is on the Docket First with the “Spies Who Lie”? | The Gateway Pundit


(Left to Right) Antony Blinken, John Brennan, James Clapper

Election 2024 is now mostly over. The Blue Team is trying to steal the down ballot races, and we need to get the celebratory marching band off the field to stop this stealth, mini, “Big Steal.”

Presuming we stop the down ballot steal; the scope and scale of President-Elect Trump’s victory is decisive.

Trump won the popular vote, the electoral college and smashed the Blue Wall of defense in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Vice President Harris has conceded, and President Biden proffered a peaceful transition and showed his disappointment at Harris’s loss with a broad smile at his news conference.

Once the Trump Administration is onboard – what about the 51 Intelligence Officers that signed the infamous Hunter Biden Laptop Letter?

In October 2020, the 51 stated the Hunter Biden Laptop was Russian Dis-information.  That was a lie, they knew it was a lie, and it was the greatest Election Interference Operation in American History.  For several of them, their actions possibly expose them to Felony charges.

“Special Government Employees” are subject to Felony Charges under 18USC1001

I love Ivan Raiklin’s approach to the 51 and others; however, I’m going to triage and deal with the most vulnerable and the worst of the worst first.

Many of the 51 signed the infamous letter saying they were retired or former—that’s not totally true.  We need to know who of the 51 was a “Special Government Employee” (SGE) and/or sitting on a Government Board or body.

An SGE is a sworn, Government Employee for their appointment.

The definition of SGE from 18USC202 reads, “shall mean an officer or employee of the executive or legislative branch of the United States Government, of any independent agency of the United States or of the District of Columbia, who is retained, designated, appointed, or employed to perform, with or without compensation, for not to exceed one hundred and thirty days during any period of three hundred and sixty-five consecutive days, temporary duties either on a full-time or intermittent basis.”

The definition is filled with further descriptive details that encompass the roles and responsibilities of an SGE – and places them fully under 18USC1001 False Statements by Federal Officials.

Any of the 51 who was in their tenure as an SGE is subject to Felony Charges and imprisonment for participating in the 51 Intel Officer Hoax.

There are many boards of advisors for the Central Intelligence Agency, the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, the Census Bureau, the National Archivist, and the deepest part of the Deep State, the Marine Mammal Commission (the last one is meant tongue and cheek but also for Elon’s attention).

These boards are coveted positions for former or aspiring personalities.  Biden unlawfully purged many Trump appointees from their appointments to make room for Biden sycophants.

Often there is pay, compensated travel, free food, and the chance to decisively influence policy—but the Holy Grail is receiving the Top-Secret clearance and billet (you need both).  I’ve done the SGE paperwork for several personalities for these boards.

The Ringleaders – Blinken, Clapper, Brennan, and Hayden  

When taking down nefarious RICO actors, the best strategy is to hit the worst of the worst and most vulnerable first.  Don’t try to get everyone at once, make an exemplar case, put the legal crosshairs on them, squeeze the legal trigger (this is all figurative), and it is amazing how everyone starts scrambling and often cooperating.

In early 2018, after leaving Government Service, I was at the Chertoff Group office spaces in downtown Washington, D.C. meeting with someone.  When they walked into the room, they asked (P.82),

“Do you wanna know who is on the other side of that drywall.” His hushed voice told me that it was someone important, and my curiosity was piqued.

“Sure, who is it?”

I was told it was General Hayden conducting his twice a week coordination call with Comey, Clapper, and Brennan.

I had to restrain myself from punching through the drywall, grabbing Hayden, dragging him through the drywall and actively questioning him.  These four are a starting point – but we do need to include Blinken.

At the time (early 2018), I had no idea who Blinken was nor the UPenn Biden Center—but I do now.  Blinken quarterbacked the operation.  We need to subpoena the lists of all the US Government SGEs in 2020 to cross reference which boards Blinken, Clapper, Brennan, and Hayden were on.

Clapper also should be examined for him covering for Cuban Spy Ana Montes, whom he shielded when he was Defense Intelligence Agency Director.  I’m not passing on Comey—I’m just pushing him to the second or third tranche.

For any military, career, political, or contract employees who try to tamper with the documents and lists – remember there is the Federal Records Act and Destruction of Evidence Charges awaiting.

Make an example of one, get the others to flip

I’ve passed so far on Michael Morell, former Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in the first tranche of defendants – but he might be the first one to pressure into a squeal.

He’s already perjured himself in front of the House Judiciary Committee.  He said it so nonchalant.  As for General Hayden, he might be one also to flip into a witness for the prosecution.   I’d place Blinken in the second tranche of defendants.

Once on board in the Presidency, it must be a priority to establish truth and accountability on many topics.  The prime nominee for accountability are the 51 Intel Officers.

The semi-gracious concession speeches from Biden/Harris seem to be intimating that it is time to move on and let bygones be bygones.  I’m not interested in re-litigating the 2020 Election Results – but the American People are owed truth and accountability from the 51 Intel Officers.

Next topic after the 51?  What really happened in November 2020, January 6, the Wuhan Cover-Up, the Vaccine Scam, and so on and so on.  And yes, Ivan should be one of the leads in the discovery of truth and accountability.

All viewpoints are personal and do not reflect the viewpoints of any organization.

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