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WATCH: Lara Trump Joins TGP Recap on Blessed News Network to Discuss Censorship of Her NEW SONG, Attacks on President Trump, and Joe Biden Impeachment Inquiry | The Gateway Pundit


Lara Trump joined The Gateway Pundit Recap with Jordan Conradson and Alicia Powe on Friday night to discuss the censorship of her first-ever studio single and the persecution of her father-in-law, President Trump, by the Biden Regime.

The Gateway Pundit Recap, now hosted by Conradson and Powe, airs on Blessed News Network on weeknights at 6 pm ET.

The Gateway Pundit reported on Friday that the debut song from Lara Trump and First Class Records did exceedingly well on its first day of release despite censorship from Apple and Spotify. You can listen to the full song here:

In addition to censorship from music streaming platforms, a billboard advertiser in Times Square removed Lara’s name and her song’s title from what was supposed to be an ad for millions to see. The Gateway Pundit reported on this debacle and an exclusive interview where Lara hinted at legal action over this discrimination.

Instead of the image below, the billboard only showed a photo of Lara Trump on a horse. It’s somewhat funny that they think that would acceptable.

When asked on our show if she had spoken to any attorneys and she is still considering action against the company, Lara said she spoke to “several attorneys.”

Lara said, “This was paid for about a week ago. The contract was signed about a week ago. They knew that it was a country song. They knew the artist was Lara Trump. That’s me. They knew this from the beginning. And then, we were about two and a half hours away from the billboard actually going up in Times Square on a digital billboard; all of a sudden, the music producer got a call, and they were like, ‘Hmm, you know, we have a little bit of a problem. We decided we’re not going to put the name Trump up there. So, are we good to just put Lara up there?’”

“They can rest assured we will be receiving our money back, or yes, they will be hearing from some attorneys.”

Lara Trump also discussed Joe Biden’s impeachment and the political persecution against Trump and Trump supporters.

Conradson: You previously told me that I Won’t Back Down kind of represents President Trump in the fact that despite the failed indictments, I mean, you go back all the way since 2016… The two impeachments, every everything they’ve thrown against him, and you, part of his family, the Trump family. You guys aren’t backing down. Can you speak more on that, and just the persecution of President Trump not just by the radical left but also by the Justice Department?

Trump: I think any other person would have given up a long time ago. I mean, you remember from day one, right after he delivered that speech and announced I’m running for President of the United States, it was pretty immediate that they started attacking him, and I think most people, when they were called the names that he was called when the suggestions of who he was and what he stood for was put out there, most people would have said, “that’s enough. I’m done!” But not him. Of course, he soldiered on, he moved forward, and he became the President of the United States in a really historic, unprecedented way. Obviously, all the polling showed Hillary Clinton was gonna win that election. Donald Trump really had the backing of the American people, and he changed the party. He changed the Republican Party in many different ways. He brought a lot of people into this party who felt like the Democrats had left them behind. A lot of people I heard constantly, “I didn’t leave that party. They left me.” That was in 2016. And then you fast forward to 2020, and obviously, you talked about the impeachment of my father-in-law. Absolutely insane, ridiculous, baseless garbage, of course, we all know that those were. And if you look back, especially to the first one, the call to Ukraine, man, would we have found out a lot of information we are now finding out about the Biden family and what was going on with them receiving money from Ukraine, tit for tat, what kind of a situation that was, and how dangerous to our national security that ultimately was.

Interesting, they got very upset about that phone call in Washington, DC Establishment. Hmm. I wonder why. And then obviously, you talked about the justice system being weaponized against him. It wasn’t enough that they had to impeach him twice. It wasn’t enough that there was a relentless pursuit of one man by the folks on the left, by the legacy media, by the establishment in Washington DC. The mere thought of a Donald Trump presidency, one more term for Donald Trump in DC in that White House, was too much, I think, for the swamp to handle. And so now you see what has happened. You see that there has been a weaponization that is so unprecedented, and in the worst kind of way against him. The fact that Joe Biden has his department of justice trying to throw his number one political opponent in jail is so Communist, so authoritarian, in nature. All of what we have seen happen would have broken any other person just one of these situations and yet he is not backing down. He is not stopping He is not giving up. He will continue on, and I believe that it is waking people up every single day that they see these attacks against my father in law, and I believe that that will ultimately result in him becoming the 47th President of the United States.

Conradson: The Democrats in the impeachment hearing tried to argue that, oh, the President is just “guilty of loving his son too much.” President Trump, does he love you guys?

Trump: Yes, he does. He loves us very much.

Conradson: Would he do anything that is relatable to what Joe Biden did for and with Hunter Biden? Of course, Joe Biden was involved in all these criminal acts around the world.

Trump: No. I mean, we’ve got the receipts, we’ve got the emails, we’ve got the phone calls, we’ve got the photographs, we have the schedule, we know exactly what happened with Joe and Hunter Biden. And yeah, my father-in-law loves all of us very much in our family. But no, we did not ever have a situation like this. In fact, we went so far in the opposite direction on our end. Don’t forget for so long, the Trump Organization existed as an actual company. This was a business before my father-in-law became President of the United States. So, we were in international business before he became a politician. And isn’t it interesting that it’s the reciprocal of that whenever you look at most of these politicians, especially the Biden family. Somehow, they got into international “business”—and I’ll put that in air quotes—right after Joe Biden became part of the government system here in the United States; really interesting to see. But we went out of our way to stop any new international business deals while my father-in-law was President. As soon as he got elected, when he became President-elect, he said no new overseas business deals will be happening while he’s in office. And then we did something that never gets any credit, and let me tell you, it took a lot of work to do it. Anytime there was a foreign entity who stayed at a Trump property, who dined at a Trump property, who even bought a glass of wine at a Trump property, we gave that money back to the United States Treasury because we didn’t even want the faintest hint of impropriety. We didn’t want there to be any question about what was going on with us. He was there, my father-in-law, as President for every person in this country, to do the best job possible, not to line the pockets of our family. Don’t forget he never took a salary. He donated his salary as President every single quarter. He’s probably the only president to leave the White House with less money than he went into the White House. Not anyone else, I don’t believe, can say that, and it’s really amazing. It didn’t have anything to do, by the way, with how much he loves us because he loves us all a great deal, I can assure you.

Conradson: Despite this and the clear suppression from Apple Music and Spotify, your song is doing good. I think it’s #27 on Apple Music in all genres. What does that tell you? Is it indicative that people want America First music here in this country, and they’re tired of this woke Hollywood crap?

Trump: I mean, I would say so, yeah. First of all, I’m flattered. I’m honored. Again, beyond my wildest dreams. I appreciate it. I think people are sick of the nonsense. People are so sick of the woke garbage. They want things that make them happy and feel good. They want a song that speaks to how they’re feeling right now, and honestly, that’s part of this song. I think that I Won’t Back Down can represent a lot of different things for a lot of different people, but for a heck of a lot of folks in this country right now, they are feeling the pressure. They are feeling like they can’t make ends meet. They’re feeling like there’s no end in sight. They’re feeling like they need someone to come back in and change things around. And they’re feeling like the system, by and large, wants them to just lay down and take it and say that’s it, but they’re not going to back down. You can stand them up at the gates of hell; they’re going to continue fighting for this country. And so I think that it can be very representative for the time we’re in right now, for whatever challenges people might be facing. But yes, I think it says people want more good music, TV, content, movies, all of it. Let’s go down that path. I would like to see that happen.

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