Home Politics WATCH: Fox News’s Harris Faulkner Embarrasses Nikki Haley After She Smears President...

WATCH: Fox News’s Harris Faulkner Embarrasses Nikki Haley After She Smears President Trump and Tries to Spin Her Campaign Failures During Disastrous Interview | The Gateway Pundit


Credit: Fox News Screenshot

Nikki Haley was embarrassed Thursday after going on the Fox News Channel in a lame attempt to curry favor with the audience.

While a guest on The Faulkner Focus with host Harris Faulkner, Haley was brought on to discuss the state of her campaign and the hot-button issues facing the country, especially illegal immigration.

Things got off on the wrong foot immediately for the former South Carolina governor when Faulkner asked her about Joe Biden’s sudden 180 on “fixing the border” after Republicans rightfully refused to go along with an amnesty bill pushed by Senator James Lankford (RINO-OK) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Haley blamed Congress for not coming together on the bill and blasted President Donald Trump for voicing his anger over the legislation.

Faulkner called out Haley’s nonsense, correctly noting the House of Representatives had already passed a bill to address the illegal immigration crisis and citing Biden’s refusal to follow the law.

Faulkner: Congress already had a bill to go over in a room. It was called H.R. 2. and it’s been sitting there for 8 to 9 months because Republicans put that House bill out. And why it didn’t happen (become law) has to do with Democratic senators, particularly Chuck Schumer.

Then, there’s the other part of it: if we wait on Congress to do something, the big sticking point is this president won’t follow that law any more than he’s following the law of the U.S. Supreme Court not to pay off people who aren’t paying off their student loans.

Haley had no answer to Faulkner’s facts on the immigration bill. She could only meekly agree with Faulkner on student loans and quickly changed the subject to head-to-head poll numbers with Biden.

WATCH (exchange occurs roughly between the 3:30 and 6:00 minute marks):

There was more humiliation in store for Haley, though. When Faulkner asked her how she planned on winning her first state, she gave this jaw-dropping response to spin her failing campaign:

Haley: It’s amazing to say I haven’t won a state yet. You’ve only had three states that have voted.

According to Haley, facts are simply astonishing. Faulkner did not let her off the hook on this one, either.

Faulkner: It’s not amazing! South Carolina is winner-take-all!

Haley saved her worst moment at the end of the interview when Faulkner challenged her to make the case for continued funding for Ukraine, citing a recent poll showing declining support for aiding the country. The former U.N. Ambassador then smeared Trump by falsely claiming he encouraged Russian President Vladimir Putin to invade NATO countries for freeloading off the United States when it comes to funding the organization.

Haley: I’ll tell you what was really dangerous: you had Donald Trump go and say he would side with Putin over those NATO countries who aren’t pulling their weight. And he even encouraged Putin to go invade those countries.

We can’t have that kind of language when he goes off script on a TelePrompTer because you saw Trump just sided with a thug who kills his political opponents…He sided with a man against allies who stood with us after 9/11.

There was another big problem in addition to Haley’s lie: Putin decided to invade Ukraine under Barack Obama and Biden, not Trump. For someone allegedly “soft” on Russia, why did Putin decide to stay in his lane during Trump’s presidency?

With this factoid in mind, Faulkner dunked on Haley one last time.

Faulkner: Ambassador, I understand that you take it that way, and that’s fine. We’ll have to see how this all plays out.

This president didn’t have an invasion by Putin on his watch–the only one in recent presidents.

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