Home Technology Vampire Therapist – Counsel the undead and help them rest in peace

Vampire Therapist – Counsel the undead and help them rest in peace


You get to play with some crazy concepts in this job, but Vampire Therapist is definitely one of the most out there in a long time. The new question-the-undead-’em-up from Berlin-based Little Bat Games has just dropped a new trailer and it’s done more than enough for me to add this to my Steam Wishlist list of weird and wonderful stuff I want to play this year like Dystopika.

The premise is simple, if utterly bonkers, you are a trainee therapist for the undead and you need to get them sat on the couch and work through their issues and traumas with them. You will get visits from vampires, ghouls, and all manner of specters and spooks and give them the counseling they need to help them rest in peace.

You are probably thinking this is all a bit crazy-sounding, but we urge you to watch the trailer because this is in fact going to be very cool.

All of the techniques shown throughout the game and in the trailer have been created with the help and support of licensed therapists, lending authenticity to the game and its overall message.

“We are dead, don’t we deserve to rest in peace?” asks Andromachos in the trailer, a reformed warrior and assassin, and mentor to players on their therapy journey with the terminally blood-thirsty.

You will take on the role of Sam, a trainee Vamp-therapist and you must, “will challenge their fellow undead to face up to their distorted versions of reality, and see if they can battle their demons and come out on the other side.”

The trailer looks at the mental distortion of ‘should statements’ which are a common cognitive distortion or ‘unhelpful thinking style’. The undead do this too it seems.

Vampire Therapist is a hugely interesting concept because, if the trailer is anything to go by, players are going to learn quite a bit about psychology and therapy by osmosis almost as they play the game. A very cool concept.

Vampire Therapist will be released on Steam in June. We can’t wait.

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