Home Technology The Moose from 3DMakerpro could be the 3D scanner that hobbyists have...

The Moose from 3DMakerpro could be the 3D scanner that hobbyists have been waiting for


3D-printing has never been so close to the mainstream with printers from Bambu Lab and Uniformation being as close to plug-and-play as any newcomer can get. What has been missing from the hobby so far however is a user-friendly method of being able to scan your own objects and turn them into 3D models to print out yourself. 3D scanners have existed for a while, but like the printers themselves, the technology is now speeding up and the price coming down.

Enter the Moose, from 3DMakerpro which has just kicked off its pre-sale today, and from the press release it sounds like it could be just what we are looking for: “(The Moose scanner are) beginner-friendly 3D scanners with AI visual tracking technology. The Moose series is 3DMakerpro’s latest consumer-grade 3D scanner line-up offering, designed to handle real-world medium-sized objects into 3D models with remarkable efficiency and precision.

“Powered by a set of AI features and in collaboration with Oqton, the developer of Geomagic Wrap, 3DMakerpro aspires to make 3D scanning easier and more accessible to beginners and advanced users in the creative field.”

“The Moose series brings consumer 3D scanning to new heights of accuracy and allows more users to benefit from the convenience of 3D scanning,” said Tianshi Yuwen, Global Marketing Director of 3DMakerpro. “Our dedication to innovation empowers us to democratize high-precision 3D scanning and push beyond the boundaries of making all creative visions a reality.”

The Moose comes in two different variants, the Moose and the Moose Lite with the latter costing $249 at pre-sale ($399 after) and the main Moose costing $454 ($699 after). The Lite’s scans are not as detailed and operate with a Mono texture mapping method, while the main Moose has full 24-color mapping.

Hopefully, we will get to see within the next couple of weeks whether 3DMakerpro has pulled this off, but initial signs look great, and those pre-order prices are tasty.

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