Home Politics President Biden Cleverly Uses A Marjorie Taylor Greene Rant In Ad

President Biden Cleverly Uses A Marjorie Taylor Greene Rant In Ad


Lest you fear that nothing good has ever come from Marjorie Taylor Greene speaking in public, the President’s team saw an opportunity and jumped on it.

The President said over this video: “I approve this message.” The ad:

President Biden’s ad quoted Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene saying, “The largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs that is actually finishing what FDR started that LBJ expanded on and Joe Biden is attempting to complete. Programs to address education, medical care, urban problems, rural problems, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, labor unions, and he still is working on it.”

In one of her many misguided rants, Ms. Greene apparently rattled off the above list of President Biden’s alleged missteps, accusing him of making a public investment in social infrastructure that is finishing what FDR started.

No one has yet informed Ms. Greene that the 32nd U.S. President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, is judged as one of the greatest presidents because he maintained public confidence during the horrors of the Great Depression and World War II. That is to say, he dealt with the economy and a war, which are two of the biggest challenges a leader can face (unless said leader is, say, more interested in selling cheap Made-in-China merchandise, crying about witch hunts for cash, and cheating to win elections).

The Republican Representative could perhaps be forgiven for she has possibly not been informed yet about World War II and how it started, an incompleteness in her knowledge that might explain why she also later in this speech (not in the ad) ranted against the “pointless foreign war.” Ms. Greene is another one of those Republican appeasers who might could, as they say in Georgia, use a brush up on the Munich Agreement.

FDR also signed the Social Security Act into law on August 14, 1935. Social Security is tremendously popular with The People.

The President, the Georgia Republican continued, is pushing programs to address education!

As I feel has been made evident in this post alone, education can be very helpful for achieving excellence in one’s pursuits.

But to be fair, some people in power seem very invested in keeping Americans as ignorant and uneducated as possible, so that America can come last. Long after Russia. Indeed, few have worked so hard to keep America from being internationally competitive as the undignified Trump sycophant.

Ms. Greene has a habit of holding on to conspiracy theories with a vengeance, never troubled by the need to seek out reality or the truth. On the rare occasion she has been called to account for the most egregious lies she has told, she blames the world for not telling her she was wrong. How was she to know? She wonders. Indeed. How was she to know.

Ms. Greene further accused President Biden of working on programs to address medical care, urban problems, and rural problems.

If you’re wondering if Georgians need help with medical care, urban problems or rural problems, the answer is no, thanks! They have everything they need. Never mind that state governments receive aid from the federal government for these things called “programs” for which Ms. Greene has such disdain.

States get that money for Medicaid, education, and more. You know, medical care and transportation. Nasty programs. Some, like Ms. Greene, call this “socialism” in an attempt to frighten people out of wanting a social safety net for themselves.

The Georgia Republican has nothing but derision for the work of President Joe Biden, but that is to be expected. You see, Ms. Greene doesn’t really understand what it is that she herself is paid to do, and so it is natural for her to see someone like President Biden doing actual work and wonder what is wrong with him.

If President Biden were to really do as Greene asks and stop funding these programs for her state, all we could ask is: ‘Please, Mr. President, tell ’em Marge sent ya’.’

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