Home Politics Laura Loomer Publicly Shames Chris Christie For Supporting The ‘Weaponization of Government...

Laura Loomer Publicly Shames Chris Christie For Supporting The ‘Weaponization of Government and Election Interference Against President Trump,’ He Scurries Away [WATCH] | The Gateway Pundit


GOP presidential hopeful Chris Christie did his best to scurry away from investigative journalist Laura Loomer as she confronted the former New Jersey governor for supporting the government’s attempt to incarcerate Donald Trump.

Loomer was amongst the crowd that greeted Christie with roaring boos as he delivered remarks at the Florida GOP Freedom Summit.

“Now look, every one of those boos, every one of those cat calls, every one of those yells will not… solve one problem we face in this country,” Christie told the angry audience. “You’re anger against the truth is reprehensible.”

Amid the jeers, Christie urged the Trump supporters in the audience to direct their outrage on the problems plaguing the country.

“When you think about the problems–,” he said before angry attendees interjected.

“You’re the problem!” a woman in the audience shouted. “You’re establishment!”

“Go home!” a man yelled. “Go back to Jersey!”

“..That our country and this world is facing when you think about that, this type of pettiness … is beneath … the process of electing a president,” Christie continued as attendees of the event proceeded to level insults at him.

“The problem is … you fear the truth,” he scolded. “You want to shout down any voice that says anything different than what you want to hear. And you can continue to do it. And believe me … it doesn’t bother me one bit.”


The former governor said what does bother him, though, is “the atrocities that are going on in Israel.”

“That’s what we should spend our time talking about, and that’s the place where I suggest some of our anger should be directed,” Christie said about the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.”


Following the speech, Christie stopped to take selfies with his supporters and a gaggle of reporters.

Then he attempted to scurry away as Loomer called him out for advocating for Trump’s incarceration.

“Why are you supporting the weaponization of the government against President Trump?” the former Florida congressional candidate pressed.

Christie initially continued to pose for the cameras, pretending to not hear Loomer.

Loomer repeated the question as Christie began to walk off.

“Who are you?” the former Republican lawmaker shot back.

“Get him, Laura,” a woman in the crowd yelled, encouraging Loomer to shame the anti-Trump presidential candidate.

“You think it’s okay?”Loomer asked as Christie ignored her and took more selfies. “Now, you want Donald Trump to get locked up?”

“You don’t need to run for president, fat ass. You need to run on a treadmill,” the conservative provocateur continued, prompting a man in the gaggle to break out in laughter. “You should be ashamed of yourself, [for] supporting the weaponization of government!”

“The proudest moment of my career is to be opposed by someone like you,” Christie said scoffed at Loomer as a sheriff escorted him out of the venue.



Christie increasingly continues to taunt  Trump, warning the former president is heading toward a criminal conviction.

Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows’ cooperation with prosecutors in the federal 2020 election theft case is nothing but trouble for defendant Trump, Christie gloated on MSNBC last week, warning GOP voters against supporting a candidate who could wind up as a convicted felon headed to prison.

“This is deadly. It’s done,” the former federal prosecutor who was shellacked by Trump in 2016 said. “He’s going to be convicted. It’s over.”

Following the spectacle at the Freedom Summit, Christie lashed out a Loomer and Trump on social media, claiming Trump deployed a “looney tune,” “attack dog” after him.

He also lied or mischaracterized Loomer’s remarks, claiming she wished death upon him during the exchange..

“[Donald Trump] is too scared to face me like a man, so he sent looney tune social media attack dog after me. She told me I should die of a heart attack. Obviously, I didn’t hold back. I tell the truth and they can’t handle it,” Christie tweeted.

Loomer roasted Christie over his obesity and “[waddling] away to evade accountability.

“Nobody is scared of your FAT ass, unless you’re about to sit on them. You are polling nationally at 3% in GOP Presidential Primary Polls. I asked you why you are supporting the WEAPONIZATION OF GOVERNMENT and ELECTION INTERFERENCE against President Trump! I NEVER said ‘you should die from a heart attack,’” she replied. “You said you are “going to be the next US President’ as you were waddling away into the VIP area , and I said: “You’re never going to be President, Governor Christie. You might have a heart attack from eating too much.

“But, you’re NEVER going to be President. TRUMP 2024!” That’s verbatim. And, the best part about this is I have it all on video. Which means you just caught LYING. The same way you got caught lying about BRIDGE GATE in 2016 when you were begging President Trump like a dog in heat to be his VP! SAD!”

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