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Kachelman: Do Not be Fooled – The Foundation of Our Nation Is Challenged with Today’s Secret Republican Senate Vote | The Gateway Pundit


Guest post by John Kachelman, Jr.

“We the People” from the Constitution of the United States of America – Grok AI image

Look back into European history for a troubling spectre of a political doctrine that has hijacked our national governing.

The doctrine of “monarchical absolutism” asserted that kings derived their authority from God and could not be held accountable for their actions. Thus, those governing were “above” the governed; they were the “Elite” to which the everyday laws did not apply; their existence was in a sphere totally different than any others. The governing enjoyed privilege, wealth, conveniences, and latitudes that were forbidden to the “ruled common man.”

It was this absolutism that prodded the philosopher John Locke to write his First Treatise of Civil Government (1689). He bluntly refuted biased political structures.

It was opposition to this absolutism that spurred the phrase “We the people” in the preamble of the United States Constitution. This phrase is so much more than a motto on a mug; it is one of the most significant phrases in world history. Written over 200 years ago, the phrase symbolizes the very foundation of American politics and states the power of citizens to govern themselves.

These three words emphasize the critical importance of the American people and their role in invalidating absolute government control. This asserts that “We the People” rule as opposed to the Government’s role in having power over the people.

“We The People” affirms that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens. The supremacy of the people through their elected representatives is recognized in Article I, which creates a Congress consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives of elected servants.

It is through the elected representatives that Congress is to legislate so as to express the will of the people! The elected officials ARE “servants” of the electorate. The elected officials ARE NOT the “rulers” deciding what their electorate “needs.”

Abraham Lincoln used this concept to honor the soldiers that sacrificed their lives in order “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” His words apply to all who die for the foundation of governing by “We the People.”

We are a troubled nation IF the elected politicians believe that voters cannot be trusted with the truth; that the electorate’s positions can be blithely shrugged off.

It is essential that the elected politicians respect the people and seriously follow the positions of the electorate who placed them in the office. If they refuse to do so then let them be gone!

This requires that the politician keeps the constituency fully informed regarding votes and positions. The “backroom bargains,” the “blind votes,” the ballots cast without public identification” are evidences of cunning ploys to deceive and destroy the governing system.

Now, this brings us to a disconcerting reality in our present political governing in Washington, D.C.

We are told that on Wednesday, the Republican Senators will vote behind closed doors and in a secret ballotThey are doing so WITHOUT the transparency that the electorate deserves. They are doing so with the arrogance of monarchical absolutism! They are doing so…locked in secrecy, reveling in Elitism, and unconscionably claiming privilege!

Listen carefully to this excerpted interview: Here is the attitude that should be heard from the office of every United States Senator…

“The vote is held in secret. What’s the reason for that…First of all Laura, well said. They’re secret because the leader chooses that. The leader that’s in office as we speak and that’s Mitch McConnell. I would rather push the vote closer to January the 1st anyway, but I’m not the leader…So I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’m not voting for Tommy Tuberville. I’m voting for the state of Alabama. I have got hammered from all over the state. Coach, we voted for change. We do not want the same type of Senate that we’ve had in the past. Let’s do something different. We won’t have another chance if we don’t do something now. They’re exactly right.”

America! The foundation of your independence, the cornerstone of your Declaration of Independence, and the reason for the heroic sacrifices of our warriors is being challenged!

Does your United States Senator respect and adhere to “We the People” of the State from which he/she was elected to represent?

It is past time for Congressional transparency to expose the UNAmerican governing that disrespects our Constitution!

Follow this link at RINO Watch: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/11/introducing-rino-watch-launched-today-before-senate-majority/ It will post the votes of the Majority Leader election.

You can see if your elected Senator follows monarchical absolutism or follows “We the People”! Hold them accountable. Contact and express YOUR position that they are to respect and follow.

UPDATE: Here is President Trump’s Secretary of Defense pick, Pete Hegseth, with his “We the People” tattoo.

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