Home Top 10 How to use Perspective Warp in Photoshop

How to use Perspective Warp in Photoshop


Photoshop’s Perspective Warp feature is one of the most useful tools to understand in the image editing app.

Not only can it be used to straighten buildings and align objects in a photo, but it can also be used to correct lens distortion caused by your camera. This means you can effectively transform a telephoto shot into a wide-angle one with a little bit of Photoshop magic.

Keep reading to learn how to use the Perspective Warp tool in Photoshop.

What you’ll need: 

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • A Creative Cloud subscription

The Short Version 

  1. Open your image in Photoshop
  2. Click Edit
  3. Choose Perspective Warp
  4. Click and drag to create a square around your object
  5. Choose Warp
  6. Drag the corners of the shape where you want them
  7. Click the tick icon to confirm

Time needed: 5 minutes.

How to use Perspective Warp in Photoshop

  1. Open your image in Photoshop

    Duplicate the layer if you want to be able to reverse the edits if you change your mind.

  2. Click Edit

    This option can be found in the menu bar at the top of the screen. How to use Perspective Warp in Photoshop

  3. Choose Perspective Warp

    The tool can be found about halfway down the dropdown menu. How to use Perspective Warp in Photoshop

  4. Click and drag to create a square around your object

    Make sure the Layout tab is selected. How to use Perspective Warp in Photoshop

  5. Choose Warp

    This will allow you to start moving the object. How to use Perspective Warp in Photoshop

  6. Drag the corners of the shape where you want them

    Or click the icons next to the Warp button to straighten the edges either horizontally or vertically. How to use Perspective Warp in Photoshop

  7. Click the tick icon to confirm

    Finally, use the clone tool or the crop tool to tidy up the edges of your image. How to use Perspective Warp in Photoshop


How to use Perspective Warp on just one object

If you don’t want to warp your entire image, start by selecting the object you do want to warp and masking it. Then, turn that layer mask into a Smart Object by selecting the layer mask and clicking Layer, Smart Object and Create Smart Object.

How to undo Perspective Warp

To undo Perspective Warp, just click Edit and then Undo. The easiest way to reverse any changes is the duplicate your layer as the first step so you always have a backup beneath the warped layer.

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