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“Good Ruling with Respect to Our Appeal” – Kari Lake Attorney Kurt Olsen Commends Judge Ruling Maricopa County’s Election Procedures are Unlawful – Lake to Appeal Ruling in Stolen Election Lawsuit | The Gateway Pundit


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Kari Lake attorney Kurt Olsen shared his thoughts Thursday on a recent Arizona court ruling that could help Kari Lake in her ongoing fight against the stolen 2022 election.

It’s a “good ruling” for Kari Lake, Olsen told Brannon Howse on Frank Speech.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Lake released a statement highlighting the recent court order related to Maricopa County’s fraudulent signature verification and telling Americans she has the “utmost confidence” in her upcoming trial on September 21.

The Gateway Pundit recently reported that a Yavapai County judge last week rejected Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss the Arizona Free Enterprise Club and Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections’ recent lawsuit to prohibit the Arizona Secretary of State from enforcing illegal election procedures relating to mail-in ballot signature verification. This ruling confirmed that Maricopa County has been conducting elections unlawfully.

The Judge ordered that “the language of the statute is clear and unambiguous,” and the current procedures for verifying mail-in ballot signatures “do not have the force of law.” 

BREAKING HUGE: “Voter Identity Theft” – Arizona Judge Defines Voter Registration Record, Rules that Mail-In Ballot Signatures Have Been Compared Illegally! – ORDER INCLUDED

Under the current Arizona Elections Procedures Manual, when a signature is accepted on a mail-in ballot envelope or a voter uses an in-person polling place touch screen signature log, it is added to the voter’s “registration record” to be used for future reference. With these rules, County Recorders just need to cheat consistently with the same bullsh*t signatures to match the previous fraudulent ballot. But this Judge’s order changes that and requires voter registration signatures only.

This is excellent news, and the order is similar to a recent statement made by a judge in one of Kari Lake’s election-related lawsuits!

However, as The Gateway Pundit reported, Backstabbing former Trump Attorney General and Uniparty leader Karl Rove were behind this effort. Is there more to this story?

This new ruling will require voter registration forms to be used for signature verification, as opposed to previously accepted fraudulent mail-in ballots and other signature forms. “Documents are a part of the ‘registration record’ only if they involve the voter’s ‘registration,’” the order states.

Still, in the last two elections in Maricopa County, hundreds of thousands of signatures were discovered to be “verified” in just a few seconds each. An accurate comparison of signatures, as required by law, takes much, much longer to do properly. Unscrupulous election employees have been caught not even looking at the signatures. At least one employee approved tens of thousands of ballots in a matter of seconds each without looking to verify their accuracy.

The same illegal procedures were used in the 2020 election. As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, the current standards for mail-in ballots allowed hundreds of thousands of fake ballots with fraudulent signatures to be “signature verified” in an average time of 4.6 seconds per signature in Arizona’s 2020 Presidential Election. Too bad former Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich was too weak to investigate or prosecute the crimes. Where was Trump’s Attorney General then?

Kari Lake’s legal team also discovered that approximately 274,000 ballot signatures were compared and verified in less than three seconds in 2022! This information comes from Maricopa County’s election log file data.

The issue lies with Maricopa County; they just don’t follow the law.

This is why Kari Lake’s lawsuit to obtain mail-in ballots is so important. It appears that Maricopa County will no longer be able to hide the evidence, and we will finally know whether or not the 2022 mail-in ballots are legitimate!

This evidence is currently being withheld from Lake’s attorneys because it proves the election was stolen and voting by mail is easily corrupted. They are expected to file an appeal against the bogus dismissal of Lake’s lawsuit against the stolen election and fight it all the way to the US Supreme Court if necessary.

Lake attorney Kurt Olsen shared his thoughts on Lindell TV with host Brannon Howse.

Watch below:

Olsen: It’s actually a good ruling with respect to our appeal in Kari Lake’s election contest because what the court focused on was the plain meaning of material terms in the statute. And so in this case, it was what constitutes the registration record. The statute says, you look at signatures that are on the registration record, not anywhere else, which is where Secretary Fontes was pulling signatures from. Whether it was from DMV, or some other some other location, so, what the court said is under established law, the plain meaning of registration record is very obvious, and if you’re looking at signatures outside of that registration record, that’s the form that voters fill out with their signature, then you’re violating the law.

And so, for example, in our appeal of Kari Lake, the signature verification requirement requires the voter’s signature on the ballot envelope to be “compared to the record signature.” We had the electronic logs show that signature verification workers were verifying over 70,000 signatures in less than two seconds a signature. That’s like a flash. And so the issue there is, what is the word compare?

Well, Maricopa has training. The Secretary of State has training: how to compare signatures. And as our expert Eric Spekin testified, you can’t compare two signatures in less than two seconds per signature. And they did over 70,000 of those. They did over 276,000 in less than three seconds per signature. And so that claim, just like the court in Yavapai turns on, how do you look at the plain meaning of material terms in the statute? so that’s a very good decision on that score for everyone, but also for other cases like this one. And there’s also another case pending by Kari, as well as We The People Arizona Alliance, to get the ballot envelopes from 2022, the actual envelopes, so that the signatures can be compared. You recall that Shelby Busch of We The People Arizona Alliance did a presentation to the Arizona Senate in January, and they found, I think it was something like about 15 to 17% of signatures did not match in the 2020 data, and they had the actual data that was used to compare signatures in 2020. And so 17% out of 1.9 million ballots is a huge number of ballots that, if they’re not cured, would be illegal. And so, we’re now seeking the ballot envelopes for 2022.

Howse: How do you know they still exist?

Well, they are better because under federal records retention laws, as well as Arizona, they should have been preserved. So, if they don’t exist, there’s potentially even a bigger problem. But I think they do exist. And that decision defines what the signature is, and whether or not that is confidential data that can’t be released. And it’s very good and determined for us in our argument that those records are not confidential and should be released. Again, this gets into the whole issue of transparency. I mean, every time you look, whether it’s to look inside the machines, to get log files within the machines, to get voter signatures, how on earth can a ballot envelope with a signature on it, which is put in the mail system for everybody who’s touching it to see, how could that be considered private information? That is what Maricopa has been arguing. So, this gets to the larger issue of transparency and complying with the law. So, the decision by the Yavapai Court is a very, very welcome, strong, and correct decision.

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