Home Politics FORECAST: California Could Lose Five More Congressional Seats by 2030 | The...

FORECAST: California Could Lose Five More Congressional Seats by 2030 | The Gateway Pundit


During Gavin Newsom’s watch, California has lost more population than it gained for the first time in the state’s history.

California has lost seats in Congress as a result and they might lose as many as five more by 2030, according to a new forecast.

This is what Newsom’s leadership has done to California, yet he is held up as a serious contender for president every time the left discusses replacing Biden.

RedState reports:

New Forecast Has California Slated to Lose 5 More Congressional Seats by 2030

According to new data compiled by The American Redistricting Project, California is forecasted to lose five additional seats in Congress by the 2030 reapportionment cycle, or census. Their forecasting model uses data provided by the United States Census Bureau, which has shown a steady decline in the population of California since 2020, the date of the last census. In fact, since the 2020 census, California has seen a net loss of 508,903 residents. This again begs the question, if California is the place to be, according to Governor Gavin Newsom, why is the state in such a state of rapid decline?

It is no secret that California has seen massive changes over the past five to seven years. Additional taxes, rising gas prices, cost of living increases, property values exploding, and more have caused hundreds of thousands of California residents to flee the state. California is no longer the Golden State of old, rather it’s looking more like fools’ gold.

Californians are being taxed to death; its residents pay the highest sales tax, the highest state income tax, and are the 4th highest taxed overall in the nation. Which means we have less money to spend on daily needs. The burden is further compounded by the high cost of living, with California taking the 4th highest cost of living position in the nation. Housing costs are particularly high, with the average home costing over $800,000. This has made it difficult for many families to afford to live in California and has led to residents leaving in search of more affordable living.

This video explains the issue:

Newsom has been a disaster for California and the people who live there will feel the effects of his policies for years to come.

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