Home Politics Breaking: Documents Reveal Nevada Officials Deleted 26,902 Ballots From Their Mail Ballot...

Breaking: Documents Reveal Nevada Officials Deleted 26,902 Ballots From Their Mail Ballot Totals Overnight from Thursday to Friday | The Gateway Pundit


Guest post from Martel Maxim and originally posted at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission

Thousands of votes were allegedly deleted from Nevada US Senate over night from Thursday 11-7 to Friday 11-8-24. Candidate Sam Brown in the US Senate race eventually lost his race he was leading to his Democrat opponent.

What do Arizona and Nevada in the ‘Wild West’ have in common with the 2024 Election? Why it’s the endless ballot/vote counting after Election Day, as the evil forces work 24/7 to reach a plausible stolen vote total for their Democrat Senate Candidates to win by; Jacky Rosen in Nevada, and Ruben Gallego in Arizona.

Never mind the voice of the people in these races that AREN’T Too Big to Rig, the Globalists are now going after all the low hanging fruit possible after their crushing defeat by President Trump, and the NV/AZ Congressional and Senate Races are being manipulated until the very possible end, because closing the gap in the number of Senate seats lost is of course paramount to them with their eye on having a Senate majority in the 2026 Midterms.

Before we go into details, let’s quickly discuss one mechanism of how elections are stolen which would have never been known if not for the work of the former Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters , who was recently sentenced to 9 years in prison on “Trumped Up” charges (not unlike President Trump’s Jack Smith charges) because she upset the Elites/Globalists so much by divulging their election cheating secrets. In about an hour, the Documentary “Selection Code” (linked on Tina’s website) will give you a PhD in what happened.

What we can report today is that Republican Senate Candidate Sam Brown was ahead of Democrat Jacky Rosen until votes ‘mysteriously’ started disappearing. The following chart derived from the official NV SOS numbers shows the impossible that the total number of votes between Nov 7th and Nov 8th actually went down in Clark and Washoe Counties (the two largest in Nevada) by a total of 26,902.

In a world of 2nd Grade Math, there is no way this is possible, and it is, of course, reflective of the destruction of ballots identified. Very conveniently, this number tracks well with the amount of votes that Sam Brown was ‘defeated’ by.

Because the NV GOP has failed to acknowledge and act on this information (repeated communications have been ignored), the spotlighting of this situation has been left to private citizens who heroically filed a Police Report, as well as submitting this information directly to the NV SOS office.

The substantiating State Data details are available on the X Account of Robert Beadles.

As of Sunday, November 10, 2024, Sam Brown is behind his opponent by only 21,335 votes – less than the number of votes deleted from official Nevada election totals.

President Trump declared that all who engage in 2024 Election Fraud will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law once he assumes office. I guess that old habits are hard to break for these desperate people who are left with no choice but to cheat, and thus risk their own lives by participating in it.

With Paper Ballots, Hand Counted at the Precinct Level with Voter ID required, they can no longer cheat to win.

Joe Hoft obtained the original documents from his Nevada source

From our source:  “Here are the mail ballot reports for Nov 7th and 8th.  Notice the totals in Returned Mail Ballots ACCEPTED.   Clark County and Washoe are the only counties that go down.  These totals should never go down.  Those totals are in Signature cures. – The Clark County totals also do NOT match.  We have 3 websites, Silverstate, SOS and Clark County.  They never match until the end, which makes no sense as SOS and Silverstate get their totals from Clark.”

Nevada Mail Ballot Accumulative 11-7-2024 

Nevada Mail Ballot Accumulative 11-8-2024 – 8 AM

These screengrab documents were saved by our source each day.

Clearly this shows a decrease in the totals in Clark and Washoe counties overnight by 26,902.

This was more than enough votes to throw the race for Democrat Jacky Rosen.

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