Home Politics Brazil’s Supreme Court CENSORS YouTuber Monark, Known as “Brazil’s Joe Rogan” |...

Brazil’s Supreme Court CENSORS YouTuber Monark, Known as “Brazil’s Joe Rogan” | The Gateway Pundit


Brazilian Supreme Court Alexandre de Moraes has ordered the suspension of all social media profiles belonging to YouTuber Bruno “Monark” Aiub, hailed as the “Brazilian Joe Rogan.”

The minister has also initiated an inquiry to investigate alleged offenses of disobedience to judicial orders and fined Monark $75,000.

If the social media platforms do not block Monark’s profile, they will face a daily fine of $49,000 for non-compliance, as decreed by Moraes.

The ruling also mandates companies to halt the monetization of Monark’s content, immediately ceasing any payments to him.

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The YouTuber came under legal scrutiny after raising concerns on his YouTube channel about the security of Brazilian electronic voting machines, which employ a system similar to Dominion Systems.

This isn’t the first time Monark has faced social media censorship. Following the January 8th attacks on the Brazilian Congress, his social media profile was blocked.

The Superior Electoral Court identified that Monark had created secondary accounts to communicate with his audience and avoid the impact of censorship on his work.

He lost his YouTube account but established a presence on Rumble, where he continued to host his podcast.

Legal experts in Brazil argue that Monark is a victim of a process akin to that depicted in Kafka’s “The Trial,” as the YouTuber isn’t formally informed of his charges and the specific law he is alleged to have violated to become a target of the Brazilian Supreme Court.

Jurist Adriano Soares da Costa told the “Gazeta do Povo” newspaper:

“These are extreme and unconstitutional measures, lacking legal basis and suppressing individual freedom without due process, conducted under an exceptional judgment without legal foundation.”

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