Home Health Weekly Horoscope For August 21-27, 2023, From The AstroTwins

Weekly Horoscope For August 21-27, 2023, From The AstroTwins


Cuffing season is on the horizon, and as lusty Mars blazes into Libra, the zodiac’s partnership sign, the urge to merge will be crazy strong. But don’t let the impatient red planet get you locked into a serious situation before you’re truly ready.

It’s almost too easy to romanticize when Mars blasts into this “love and marriage” zone every other year. If it’s longevity you’re after, aim for a balanced view. Can you accept people for better and for worse?

For couples, Mars in Libra adds a dash of spice, but it can also stir up passive-aggressive bickering, especially if one of you is carrying an unequal share of the load. Mars is in “detriment” in Libra, meaning it’s an uncomfortable place. And it makes sense: Mars is the god of war while Libra is all about peace, love and harmony.

It will take extra effort to keep your emotional equilibrium now.

Check out your personal weekly horoscope here.

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