Home Politics 14th Amendment Disqualification Clause Fits Trump To A T

14th Amendment Disqualification Clause Fits Trump To A T


Rep. Adam Schiff said that the disqualification clause in the 14th Amendment fits Donald Trump to a T.

Schiff said on Inside With Jen Paski:

I think it is a valid argument. You know, the 14th Amendment, section three, is pretty clear. If you engage in acts of insurrection or rebellion against the government, or if you give comfort to those who do, you are disqualified from running. It does not require that you be convicted of insurrection, it just requires that you have engaged in these acts and disqualification from holding office again. It fits Donald Trump to a T.

I think this will be tested when a secretary of state refuses to put him on the ballot or puts him on the ballot and is challenged by a litigant. I would imagine it would go up to the Supreme Court, and that is the big question mark for all of this, it is what will the Supreme Court do? There are prominent constitutional scholars, as well as prominent progressive scholars who believe that he should be disqualified. But, will the court take that step ultimately only time will tell, but I do think it is a very legitimate issue by the clear terms of the 14th Amendment he should be disqualified from holding office.


I am not convinced that a secretary of state will refuse to put Trump on the ballot, but there are already wheels being put into motion by litigants trying to get Trump thrown off of the ballot. The big question is will the courts rule that voters have the standing to challenge Trump’s ballot access, or will the challenge have to come from a fellow candidate? I don’t any Republican presidential candidates have the guts to try to disqualify Trump.

There is a growing consensus that Trump should be disqualified from the ballot, but it is one thing for a law to exist. It is a whole different matter to have to try to enforce it.


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