Home Health Your Weekly Horoscope for September 29 to October 5, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope for September 29 to October 5, 2024


Your close relationships have entered the spotlight in your weekly horoscope for September 29 to October 5, 2024! Some fated developments unfold on Sunday, September 29, when both the sun in Libra and Mercury in Libra meet up with the South Node of Destiny, marking a moment of surrender and release. You could decide to part ways with an old relationship pattern or even a connection that’s run its course. Work contracts and business partnerships that are no longer in alignment with your path may also wrap up. You’re shedding the familiar and trusting that more aligned opportunities and connections are on their way to you.

On the same day on Sunday, Mars in Cancer links up with Saturn in Pisces, lending you the determination to get the job done. You have the stamina and a wise plan in place to make sure you reach your goals with sustained effort—no matter how long it takes. The sun and Mercury, both in Libra, meet at the same point in the sky on September 30, forming a cazimi. This brings sudden realizations, divine inspiration, and clarity. Your intuition knows best, and you may suddenly realize how you want to move forward in a relationship or decide if you want to pursue a contract or opportunity you’ve been offered.

The new moon solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 brings more fate and destiny your way! People you meet may feel extra karmic around this time, and there may be a sense of familiarity in the air, like you’ve met in another lifetime. Some relationships may come to a close while new connections blossom. You’re ready to discuss the important commitments in your life when Venus in Scorpio connects with Saturn in Pisces on October 4. You might be ready to propose, move in with a lover, or recommit to a creative partnership or project. Seeking advice from elders, your ancestors, or the people you respect can also offer you helpful wisdom and insight.

Mars in Cancer enters its pre-retrograde shadow period on the same day. Translation: We’ve officially entered Mars retrograde territory! And although Mars isn’t officially retrograde until December, you’ll start to notice themes and topics that may resurface during the retrograde and bring some challenges for you to tackle. Find a healthy outlet for your anger and don’t hold your feelings in! The week ends on a bit of a dramatic note when Mercury in Libra crashes into Mars in Cancer on October 5. You’re speaking your mind, even if you end up fighting with others. Communication can feel tense and pointed today. Pick your battles wisely and don’t say something you can’t take back. Remember: Words sting and leave a lasting impression.

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full October 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from September 29-October 5, 2024

  • Sunday, September 29: Moon enters Virgo
  • Sunday, September 29: Sun in Libra conjunct South Node in Libra
  • Sunday, September 29: Mercury in Libra conjunct South Node in Libra
  • Sunday, September 29: Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces
  • Monday, September 30: Mercury in Libra conjunct Sun in Libra
  • Tuesday, October 1: Moon enters Libra
  • Wednesday, October 2: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra
  • Friday, October 4: Moon enters Scorpio
  • Friday, October 4: Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces
  • Friday, October 4: Mars in Cancer enters Pre-Retrograde Shadow Period
  • Saturday, October 5: Mercury in Libra square Mars in Cancer


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background

Is it love at first sight, or have you met this person in another lifetime, Aries? There’s a lot of action in the relationship sector of your birth chart on September 29. People you encounter feel karmic, and you might even feel a magnetic attraction or “pull” toward someone new in your life. While fresh and interesting people enter your life, you may also say goodbye to connections that leave you feeling too comfortable or stagnant.

Family drama could pop up on October 5 when Mars enters its pre-retrograde shadow period. Challenging situations may unfold in your loved ones’ lives, or perhaps you’re addressing problems and issues you ignored in the past. This is also a busy time in your living space—maybe you’re finding new roommates, or you’re ready to do a deep clean of your home.

It may feel like the past is haunting you when Mercury in Libra rams into Mars in Cancer on October 5. Old memories and feelings you thought you worked through may resurface. It’s easier to get in fights with a partner or close confidant, even over the simplest of things. People are taking your words to heart, so wield them carefully.


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background

It’s time to throw in the towel, Taurus, once the sun in Libra meets with the South Node of Destiny on September 5. You have no more space in your life for self-sacrificing behavior, and you’re ready to step away from an obligation or commitment that’s left you exhausted and feeling under appreciated. This is also powerful energy for releasing bad habits and restructuring your daily routine.

Conversations that unfold on October 4 can offer more insight into your personal Mars retrograde story that will continue to build later this year. Read the fine print if you’re signing any contracts or making agreements, because it can save you a headache and loads of frustration once the retrograde begins. If you have an urge to set a boundary with someone, listen to your gut.

Your daily routine feels more taxing than normal when Mercury in Libra bumps into Mars in Cancer on October 5. It might feel like your chores or items on your to-do list drag on and take longer than normal. Annoying and frustrating roadblocks can also pop up during your daily routine, like running out of gas or popping a tire during your commute. Take a deep breath and know this energy is temporary!


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue images

You might hear from an old flame, Gemini, when the sun and Mercury team up with the South Node on September 29. Exes might reach out for one last chance at love, or maybe you realize you have to let go of a toxic situationship that isn’t good for you. You may also feel creatively drained or struggle with writer’s block. Don’t push yourself today; your inspiration will return in time.

Pay attention to what’s unfolding in your finances on October 4 when Mars enters its pre-retrograde shadow period. Your spending might increase and this could leave you with some extra bills once the retrograde begins. If you’re negotiating a new work contract or project, shamelessly advocate for your worth! Otherwise, you might feel more resentful down the line.

Jealousy can lead to arguments when Mercury in Libra rams into Mars in Cancer on October 5. It’s easy for your insecurities to get the best of you today. Give yourself space to feel your feelings, but try not to jump to conclusions or project your fears onto someone else. You might also find yourself arguing about finances or realize you need to be stricter with your budget.


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards

It’s time to let go of the past, Cancer, once the sun and Mercury mingle with the South Node of Destiny on September 29. Let’s be real: This is no easy feat for you—but you’ve finally had enough. As you let go of anyone or anything that no longer serves you, you might feel more tender than normal. Make sure you have down time to rest and know that surrendering and releasing is a process. Take your time.

Your temper is spicier than ever on October 4 when Mars, in your sign, begins its pre-retrograde shadow period. You’re making progress on personal goals and investing in yourself, but this may all come to a temporary halt once the retrograde is in full force. Pay extra close attention to whatever you’re focusing on now and know that if you encounter some setbacks or delays along the way, that’s all a part of the process.

You’re pushing back against family members who are questioning your goals and desires when Mercury in Libra bumps into Mars, in your sign, on October 5. You can get into arguments easily today, especially when people question your life path and personal goals. You’re also more apt to take things personally. Stand up for yourself, but don’t pick fights for fun.


leo astrology symbol on blue background with images of

You’re releasing an old limiting belief, Leo, when Mercury in Libra connects with the South Node of Destiny on September 29. This is a powerful day to change your mindset and the way you speak to yourself. You may also voice some thoughts or feelings you’ve kept to yourself. Speaking your truth will set you free and feel empowering.

Try not to overdo it once Mars enters its pre-retrograde shadow period on October 4. Your energy is limited and your time is finite! Setting boundaries and being proactive with finding time for rest will be necessary over the next few months. Slowing down may sound counterintuitive, but it will actually help you recharge and find more balance as you juggle all your responsibilities in your personal and professional lives.

Arguments ensue when Mercury in Libra rams into Mars in Cancer on October 5. You could learn a secret that pisses you off, or maybe you’re the one sharing something that upsets others. It’s also possible you’re running around today, busier than ever, and you accidentally overdo it. Remember that it’s okay to tell someone “no,” even if it may disappoint them.


virgo astrology symbol with images of the earth and tarot cards on an orange-colored background

A job or work contract may wrap up, Virgo, once the sun and Mercury in Libra team up with the South Node of Destiny on September 29. Your resources could change in some fated way. Maybe you decide to leave a job that no longer feels healthy, or perhaps a gig ends unexpectedly. Trust that this is creating space for you to pursue job opportunities that are more in alignment with your destiny and desires.

Pay extra attention to drama in your social circle on October 4 once Mars enters its pre-retrograde shadow period. You may notice a friend who doesn’t genuinely seem to be rooting for you and your success. If you’re getting frenemy vibes from someone, you may want to proactively have an uncomfortable conversation with them, or gently call them out before the retrograde kicks off.

Watch out for overspending when Mercury in Libra bumps into Mars in Cancer on October 5. You want to splurge and treat yourself, but also know that there are better things you could be spending your money on. You may also make a decision regarding one of your aspirations (maybe you’re ready to invest some of your financial resources into bringing your dreams to life?).


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

You’re the main character, Libra, with a new moon solar eclipse in your sign on October 2. This marks a fated moment of change for your sense of self. You’re wiping the slate clean and stepping into a more authentic version of yourself. Powerful endings and beginnings can unfold in your relationships, and you may also set new, ambitious goals for yourself, too.

You’re under pressure once Mars begins its pre-retrograde shadow period on October 4. It can feel like there’s added stress in every area of your life—at work, at home, and in your close relationships. You may also bump into frustrating situations in these areas of your life, too. Pick your fights wisely, because they may come back to haunt you during the retrograde!

Defend your ideas and desires at all costs when Mercury, in your sign, slams into Mars in Cancer on October 5. This is an important day to stand up for yourself. You could also have a burst of energy and feel more ambitious than normal. You can make a lot of progress today or make an important decision regarding your life path.


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

You’re coming to terms with a habit you’ve got to break, Scorpio, when the sun and Mercury link up with the South Node of Destiny on September 29. You have an all-access pass to your subconscious, and you’re ready to own your part in some of your self-defeating habits or behaviors. This is a powerful time to extend forgiveness and understanding to past versions of yourself and to choose better for your future self.

A solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 may leave you feeling more exhausted than normal. If you can take a personal day, fill out that form already. You might feel worn down, as you’re closing out cycles and processing some deep feelings. This eclipse brings an ending, which leaves you feeling sensitive. Pay attention to your intuition, too, and the symbols that come through your dreams.

Don’t overextend yourself or play the martyr when Mercury in Libra slams into Mars in Cancer on October 5. You have a tendency to overcommit today and self-sacrificing isn’t going to do you any favors. It’s also possible you let some of your fears and anxieties get the best of you. Try not to give power to your limiting beliefs today, and engage in activities that regulate your nervous system if you’re feeling untethered.


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

One of your friendships may have run its course, Sagittarius, when the sun and Mercury join together with the South Node of Destiny on September 29. You may feel like you’ve drifted away from a community you’re part of or some of your friendships. You’re evolving and not everyone is going to stay in alignment with your personal life path—and that’s okay! You may also reconsider a dream you have for your future. Something more aligned might call out to you soon.

Keep track of your budget once Mars begins its pre-retrograde shadow period on October 4. If you’re overspending, you may wind up dealing with some debt during the upcoming retrograde. This can also be a more emotional time, but also an invitation to engage in healing work and self-reflection.

Jealousy or envy can get the best of you when Mercury in Libra rams into Mars in Cancer on October 5. Others might project their insecurities onto you—or maybe you’re the culprit. Either way, you can brush up against conflicts and petty arguments with friends and allies today. Setting boundaries or knowing when to walk away to protect your peace may be necessary.


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

Your life path, aspirations and priorities are changing, Capricorn, under the new moon solar eclipse in Libra on October 2. A long-term goal may not feel as resonant as it once did, and maybe you’re ready to pursue another career path or calling altogether. If you’ve engaged in people-pleasing, you’re also ready to start living for yourself and releasing the need to live up to other people’s expectations.

There could be drama in your close relationships once Mars begins its pre-retrograde shadow period on October 4. You may need to set boundaries with lovers, BFFs, roommates, or family members. It’s better to address any feelings of resentment now rather than repressing them. Any ignored feelings of frustration have the potential to erupt into epic proportions during the upcoming retrograde.

Bosses can feel extra annoying or irritating when Mercury in Libra slams into Mars in Cancer on October 5. You’re pushing back against the authority figures in your life, and it can feel like everyone is against you today! Just know that everyone is feeling a bit irritated and people are feeling more comfortable lashing out. Don’t feel guilty for defending your opinions or standing up for your needs.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

Here comes a perspective shift and reality check, Aquarius, under the new moon solar eclipse in Libra on October 2. You’re spending more time reflecting on philosophical topics and considering the world at large and the small part you play in it. Conversations or something you learn today may alter your understanding of a situation, big or small. This is a powerful time to reflect on your beliefs and to stand up for what you believe in. Your voice can make a difference in this world.

Be mindful of the responsibilities and commitments you agree to once Mars begins its pre-retrograde shadow period on October 4. Projects that start up in the next few days will be subject to delays, frustrations, and revisions once the retrograde officially starts later this year. You can work with this energy proactively by setting boundaries now and practicing saying “no.”

Conversations don’t go as smoothly as you’d hoped for when Mercury in Libra bumps into Mars in Cancer on October 5. People are on edge—yourself included! All interactions can feel high stakes, even if you’re just ordering food. It’s easy to wind up in fights when you least expect it. Exercise patience, and keep in mind that everyone is feeling a little triggered today.


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

You’re facing some of your fears and insecurities head on, Pisces, under the new moon solar eclipse in Libra on September 29. This can bring up your past and feel triggering as you sort through feelings you’ve avoided. Ultimately, when you choose to engage with your emotions and create space to feel them, you can experience a cathartic breakthrough. There may also be a shift in your finances, like learning about a new work opportunity or leaving an old one behind.

Your love life is about to get a little more dramatic once Mars begins its pre-retrograde shadow period on October 4. You may need to set some boundaries, or use your discernment before diving all in with a new crush. This can also be a busy time for working on creative projects. Try to avoid committing to a plan or schedule, as your inspiration may wax and wane over the next few months.

You’re reconsidering who and what you invest your time, resources, and energy into when Mercury in Libra rams into Mars in Cancer on October 5. You may need to set boundaries in some of your relationships or address toxic patterns and dynamics. On the other hand, this is a healing time to engage in inner-child work.

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