Home Health Your Weekly Horoscope for July 21 to 27, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope for July 21 to 27, 2024


It’s the busiest astrological week of the month, and your weekly horoscope for July 21 to 27, 2024 is jam-packed with planetary action! The week begins with the second full moon in Capricorn of the year on July 21. Full moons in Capricorn bring a sense of accomplishment and responsibility. Some goals you set might reach an exciting turning point. Think about what was unfolding near the previous June 21 full moon for more clues.

Also on July 21, Venus in Leo connects with Jupiter in Gemini, bringing optimism, celebration, and generosity. This is a wonderful day to go after who and what you desire, because luck is on your side. Later in the day, the Sun in Cancer links up with Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a sense of emotional fulfillment. Your intuition could also gain you some recognition, so listen to those gut impulses!

The Sun enters Leo on July 22, shifting the cosmic scenery and reminding you that you’re the center of your own universe. The next few weeks encourage you to prioritize your needs and desires, and to have fun while doing so. Later in the day, the Sun in Leo faces off with Pluto in Aquarius, which can activate some deep triggers, wounds, and insecurities. Themes regarding power surface—are you giving your power away or using it wisely? This can also bring an a-ha moment regarding your own self-awareness, or strong feelings of empowerment when you choose to face some of your fears.

We’re in the shadow period before Mercury goes retrograde on August 4, so pay attention to people and topics that pop up now—because you’ll hear from them again during the retrograde period.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters Virgo on July 25, which can help you communicate with tact and refinement. However, Mercury will go retrograde on August 4, and we’re already in the midst of the pre-retrograde shadow period (also known as “retroshade“). Pay attention to people and topics that pop up now because there is a strong chance they’ll be revisited once the retrograde kicks off.

The Sun in Leo also syncs up with Mars in Gemini on July 25, giving you confidence and courage to make progress and take risks. The energy is also pretty steamy in the sky—great for some hot sex or pursuing a creative project.

On July 26, Chiron (a comet known as the “wounded healer”) goes retrograde in Aries, bringing a turning point in your healing journey. You might feel a wave of sadness, insecurity, or disappointment. Something you thought you’d worked through might re-emerge. Be curious about your feelings, and gentle with yourself.

The week ends with the last quarter moon in Taurus on July 27. This brings you back to the full moon in Capricorn at the start of the week. This part of the moon’s cycle asks you to let go, surrender, shed, and release. Think about what played out under the full moon: What can you refine or release? It’s time to clear out the emotional and physical clutter to make room for new and aligned opportunities and people to find you.

To get a closer look at what these cosmic shifts have in store for you, read on to find your zodiac sign’s weekly horoscope for July 21 to 27, 2024 (and be sure to read for your sun sign and your rising sign for the most accurate forecast).

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full July 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from July 21 to 27, 2024

  • Sunday, July 21: Full Moon in Capricorn
  • Sunday, July 21: Moon enters Aquarius
  • Sunday, July 21: Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini
  • Sunday, July 21: Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
  • Sunday, July 21: Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces
  • Sunday, July 21: Mars in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius
  • Monday, July 22: Sun enters Leo
  • Monday, July 22: Sun in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius
  • Tuesday, July 23: Moon enters Pisces
  • Thursday, July 25: Moon enters Aries
  • Thursday, July 25: Mercury enters Virgo
  • Thursday, July 25: Sun in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini
  • Friday, July 26: Chiron Retrograde in Aries
  • Saturday, July 27: Moon enters Taurus
  • Saturday, July 27: Last Quarter Moon in Taurus

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for July 21 to 27, 2024


aries horoscope slide

Something life-changing is unfolding for you, Aries, under the full moon in Capricorn on July 21. Maybe you’re ready to call out a toxic boss or leave a career path that feels unfulfilling. You might also receive some recognition or accolades or hit a personal milestone. This is a reminder for you to take up space and celebrate yourself. You deserve this!

Fortunately, immense healing can take place when the Sun in Cancer mingles with Neptune in Pisces on the same day. This is a great time to focus on the people in your life who leave you feeling safe and secure. Your intuition is also at an all-time high, so listen to those initial gut responses.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters Virgo on July 25, and your daily routine and schedule gets a bit busier! You might take on new projects at work or in your personal life. This can feel overwhelming, but rest assured that the next few weeks allow you to optimize your habits so you can establish a healthier work-life balance.


taurus horoscope

You could learn some shocking news in your personal life,Taurus, when Mercury in Leo bumps into Uranus in your sign on July 21. Perhaps you’re choosing to share a memory from the past, or feelings you’ve buried with someone else. It’s also possible you learn something unexpected about a family member or make a sudden decision about your living situation. The good news: challenging convos today may also lead to breakthroughs.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22 and puts a spotlight on your private life—putting you in a more introspective and even nostalgic mood. Over the next few weeks, you may opt to spend more time at home or with loved ones, and find yourself reflecting on how the past has shaped who you are today.

You’re learning some lucky news once Mercury enters Virgo on July 25. You might receive an invitation from someone special, or even decide to put yourself back out there in the dating world. This is also a productive time to come up with plans to pursue creative or passion projects.


gemini horoscope

A financial matter comes to a close, Gemini, under the full moon in Capricorn on July 21. Maybe you’re wrapping up a contract or project, or finally settling some debt. Emotionally, this can stir up some of your fears and insecurities. Lean on your loved ones for support. You deserve to be nurtured and cared for, too.

A wave of optimism appears on the same day when Venus in Leo connects with Jupiter in your sign. You could make progress on a personal goal, receive a particularly sweet compliment from someone, or learn exciting news. Connecting with close friends and family today can lighten your spirits.

You’re focused on your living situation or relationships with family once Mercury enters Virgo on July 25. You might consider a move, renovation, or even a deep household purge. Important news and conversations in your close, personal relationships also begin to take place. You may also feel a bit more nostalgic and sentimental over the next few weeks.


cancer horoscope

Your weekly horoscope for July 21 wants you to support loved ones, Cancer. A lover, BFF, or family member might be in crisis or need to lean on you for support or advice during the full moon. This is also a transformative moment in your close relationships—either bringing you closer to someone special or helping you to realize toxic people who you’ve outgrown.

You’re more magnetic than normal when the Sun, in your sign, mingles with Neptune in Pisces on the same day. This is an important moment to show up and share your gifts and talents with the world. People are drawn to you and what you have to say, so ask for what you want! You could also learn some exciting news about a personal goal or make fun plans for the future with someone special.

Finances are top of mind once the Sun enters Leo on July 22. The next few weeks help you gain attention and recognition for your work and talents. This is an aligned time to go after a promotion or to ask for a raise. You may also feel ready to launch a side project or business of your own.


leo horoscope

Your dreams are coming true, Leo, when Venus in your sign meets with Jupiter in Gemini on July 21. You could learn some positive news or receive support from someone substantial. This is also a great day to make progress on your personal goals and form deep, meaningful relationships. Your charisma is off the charts, so use it to your advantage.

The Sun enters your sign on July 22 and quickly squares off with Pluto in Aquarius. The next few weeks will make you the main character (as if you ever aren’t), and can bring you the recognition and support you deserve. It’s also a fun time to experiment with your style and to show the world a new side of yourself. First, you’ll have to contend with Pluto’s intense energy, which could stir up power struggles in your close relationships.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters Virgo on July 25, bringing your attention to your finances. The next few weeks you can come up with a plan to pad your savings account, apply for a job, or even ask for a raise. You may also learn a new skill that benefits the work you do or your contributions to the world.


virgo horoscope

You’re wrapping up a creative project, Virgo, under the full moon in Capricorn on July 21. It’s ready to unveil to the masses! But this can stir up a bit of fear and insecurity that you’ll need to push through first. It’s also possible you experience a turning point regarding a hobby you enjoy or a romantic relationship.

The Sun enters Leo on July 21 and you’re ready to catch up on rest. Your intuition grows louder over the next few weeks and it’s nearly impossible to ignore all of the signs and symbols you’re receiving from the universe. You’re moving through a period of revelations, and may recognize areas of your life you’ve got to change.

Mercury, your planetary ruler and the planet of information, enters your sign on July 25, bringing important news your way. New intriguing conversations may also begin. You could dream up a new goal or plan for yourself, or ever hear from someone significant in your life. It’s time to focus your mental energy on you and what you want.


libra horoscope

The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 brings a personal matter to the forefront, Libra. You could learn intense or important information about a family member, or maybe you’re confronting some skeletons in the closet. This energy is triggering, so tread lightly. You may also experience a big shift regarding your living situation or career.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22, making you want to focus on fun! Spending time with friends and people who make you feel appreciated is recharging. You could also pour a lot of effort and work into one of your dreams for the future, drafting up plans to make it a reality or connecting with people of influence who can help fund or support you.

You’ll have to try your hardest to not overdo it once Mercury enters Virgo on July 25. It will be easier than ever to take on more than you can handle and give into self-sacrificing tendencies. Your intuition is stronger than normal, so listen to it—especially when you feel the urge to say no.


scorpio horoscope

Speak your truth, Scorpio, on the full moon in Capricorn on July 21. You’re not one to shy away from difficult conversations, and now it’s time to reveal what’s been left unsaid and shine a light on taboo topics or issues. Conversations today can feel a bit messy, but ultimately freeing when you choose to face some of your fears.

You’re focused on your career and your overall life path once the Sun enters Leo on July 22. This could mark a moment of recognition, receiving compliments or awards for your hard work. You may also reconsider the work you do. Is there something more fulfilling for you? Some of your manifestations might also begin to show up over the next few weeks, too.

Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Virgo on July 25, leaving you craving more time with friends over the next few weeks. You’re also feeling a bit more optimistic when it comes to going after your dreams and goals. This is a productive time to collaborate or brainstorm with others, and come up with a plan to bring your dreams to life.


sagittarius horoscope

Your finances are shifting, Sagittarius, under the full moon in Capricorn on July 21. Perhaps you’re ready to leave a job that feels toxic or push for a promotion. You could also dream up a new side business that you’re eager to pursue. If you have any feelings of imposter syndrome, this is the time to face your fears, push through, and acknowledge your own worth and value.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22 and you’ve got the travel bug! You’re eager to soak up new experiences and learn new things. This is also a powerful time to reconnect with your voice through writing or speaking projects. You may also share some of your expertise with a wider audience at a conference or at school.

Once Mercury enters Virgo on July 25, you’re learning important news about your professional life. Major news also comes your way over the next few weeks regarding the important people in your life.


capricorn horoscope

You’re taking your power back, Capricorn, under the full moon in your sign on July 21. This is a transformative day for shedding past versions of yourself and stepping deeper into alignment. Facing your fears today can be life-changing.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22, bringing your attention to your finances and intimate relationships. On one hand, you may deal tough conversations in your romantic or business relationships about financial expectations. You may also reflect more on trust and intimacy in your close connections. Which relationships are reciprocal and leave you feeling safe and secure?

Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Virgo on July 25, bringing news your way. You could feel inspired to chase after a new idea, learn something new, or book some travel.


aquarius horoscope

In this weekly horoscope for July 21, Aquarius, your relationships are in the spotlight. It all starts off with some shocking news on July 21 when Mercury in Leo rams into Uranus in Taurus. Other people might feel a little erratic and eccentric today, and what they share with you can feel jarring, enlightening, or even inspiring. Uranus is a planet of unpredictability, so just try to expect the unexpected.

The Sun in Leo stares down Pluto in Aquarius on July 22, bringing resentment and power struggles to a climax. If you’ve been feeling jealousy or obsessive thoughts popping into your head about a particular connection, today you may choose to confront those issues. Relationships can evolve today when you investigate your shadow side and share honestly with someone you care about.

The energy lightens on July 25, and you’re ready to put some fun back in your connections when the Sun in Leo mingles with Mars in Gemini. This gives you confidence in where you’re headed with the important people in your life. It’s also a great day to experiment with a lover or plan a hot date night.


pisces horoscope

A goal or dream you set for yourself may materialize, Pisces, under the full moon in Capricorn on July 21. While this is something you dreamed about, you may find yourself wondering if it still feels aligned and authentic with who you’ve become. You might also need to confront issues or feelings of projection in your friendships today.

You’re finally getting recognition for all of your hard work once the Sun enters Leo on July 22. This is also a powerful time to focus on your small habits and daily routine. What can you tweak and change to set yourself up for success?

You might hear from an ex, old roommate, or co-worker once Mercury enters Virgo on July 25. Mercury is in its pre-retrograde shadow phase, so people who pop up now will likely reappear in early August. The next few weeks invite you to have uncomfortable conversations in your close relationships and to reconsider who you invest your time and energy into.

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