Home Politics ‘You Want Gaza? I Got Gaza, Baby! It’s Called Southern Arizona. It’s...

‘You Want Gaza? I Got Gaza, Baby! It’s Called Southern Arizona. It’s the Rio Grande Valley!” – Steve Bannon Goes Off on Joe Biden’s Purposeful Destruction of America (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


Steve Bannon took on the failed Biden regime and the Uniparty war machine Wednesday morning on The War Room.

Steve pointed out one obvious outcome of an open border – How many of the 8 million illegals who walked into the country are linked to terror groups? How many are linked to the cartels?

Bannon points out that the Uniparty is already pushing for billions in defense money for Israel when our own border has been wide open for three years now!

Joe Biden and Democrats are setting America up for a massive bloodbath.

Steve Bannon: You want Gaza? I got Gaza, baby. It’s called Southern Arizona. It’s the Rio Grande Valley. It’s South Texas. You want Gaza? I got it all up in these major cities. New York, Detroit, Chicago. You want Gaza, it’s all over. And you see the Israelis in there. That bombing. What? They bombed the Beverly Hills of Gaza yesterday, back like Dresden in 1945. And today the Financial Times of London. Not Citizens Free Press, not Gateway Pundit. Right? Israel prepares for ground invasion. A ground invasion in Gaza. Remember, Gaza is about twice the size of Washington, DC… This swamp that’s carved out on the Maryland side of the Potomac. Whereas Washington, DC. I think, has 650,000 or 700,000, roughly, residents, many of whom don’t live here permanently. I mean, they live in other places, but they have residents here for the capital, for the government…

…Remember, the headline is yesterday the Murdochs wake up Washington, wake up Swamp, wake up Uniparty. A second regional war calls for urgent bipartisan defense effort. Urgent has to happen immediately. They’re only going to second regional war, a first regional war. We were there for 20 years. The second regional war will be there. You see these preachers talking the Book of Revelation about Armageddon, you’re going to be there longer than 20 years and it’s going to be bloodier than Iraq and it’s going to be bloodier than Afghanistan. And here’s one of the things we got sorted. Colonel Harvey, I want you to go back to one A and one B. Here’s the other thing. We have to have a frank conversation. We’re on every side of this trade. We’re funding the Saudis and the military and the intelligence and UAE and they’re quote unquote allies. We’re on that side of the trade. We’re in Qatar. We have the biggest base we have are with the worst people in the Gulf, Qatar, and nobody wants to face that. We tried to do it in the Trump administration. We’re on that side of the trade. We’re on the Bahrainian, the QH side of the trade. We’re giving Egypt tons of money.

Via The War Room.

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