Home Politics Woke MN City Council Candidate Whips Up Pro-Palestine Mob, Blocks Highway, Swarms...

Woke MN City Council Candidate Whips Up Pro-Palestine Mob, Blocks Highway, Swarms Elderly Driver in Minneapolis, Chases Him Down (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


A pro-Palestine mob on Sunday took over a street in Minneapolis, swarmed an elderly driver, chased after him, and harassed him.

The mob blocked traffic for several hours on Hennepin Avenue near the Walker Art Center, according to Crime Watch Minneapolis.

The militants surrounded an elderly man in a white sedan, beat on his car, and chased him down.

Bird’s-eye view of the mob:

Crime Watch Minneapolis obtained additional video of the mob surrounding the man’s vehicle.


Woke Minnesota City Council candidate Zach Metzger blocked the highway and terrorized the elderly driver.

It appears the elderly man was pepper-sprayed.

Metzger posted the video to social media and instructed his followers to find the elderly man. He then deleted the video of him and others terrorizing the elderly victim.


According to police dispatch obtained by Crime Watch Minneapolis, at least two MPD supervisors told police to stay away from the area even though there was reports of shots fired.


Minneapolis police provided a statement to Alpha News:

“At approximately 3:23 p.m. on Sunday, officers from the Minneapolis Police Department responded to multiple reports of disturbances surrounding a demonstration near Loring Park, the Walker Art Center and the convergence of Hennepin Ave. and Lyndale Ave. Various witnesses reported a vehicle driving through the crowd, and one caller reported the sound of a gunshot. At this time, there have been no reports of injuries related to the demonstration, and no victims have come forward,” the police department said in response.

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