Home Health Why You Should Look At Your Scalp Regularly For Optimal Growth

Why You Should Look At Your Scalp Regularly For Optimal Growth


The best tip to start: Look at your scalp. I mean, really look at it. Part your hair in different ways, look at when it’s both wet and dry, get up close in the mirror, and investigate each part of your scalp to grasp a better idea of what’s going on underneath your stands. 

When you neglect regular check-ins with your scalp, you might miss the prime window for treating any problems before they become worse. It’s just like skin care: If you don’t look at your skin in the mirror, you might miss a subtle reaction to a product and continue using it until you experience a full-blown rash or other adverse reaction. 

This is especially true for anyone trying to speed up hair growth, as you can spot plenty of interruptions and patterns with a simple look in the mirror. Below, find some red flags to look for: 

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