Home Politics WAYNE ROOT: TRUMPZILLA: Here is the New “Art of the Deal” for...

WAYNE ROOT: TRUMPZILLA: Here is the New “Art of the Deal” for President Trump to Announce Immediately to End the Open Border Disaster, Stop the Steal, and Save Our Country | The Gateway Pundit


By Wayne Allyn Root

Democrats and the Deep State can’t stop him. They tried to impeach him multiple times. They tried to bankrupt him and take his assets away. They tried to imprison him. They tried to assassinate him twice. Both times the assassins had him dead to rights, but miraculously failed. Their media lapdogs tried to slander, humiliate and demonize him. Even their fake polls that oversample Democrat voters couldn’t stop him, or slow him down, or demoralize his voters.

Then they tried to gaslight us by trying to make the most unlikeable, unpopular, unelectable, incompetent, radical communist candidate in history (Kamala) look like the second coming of Mahatma Gandhi meets the Virgin Mary.

Nothing worked.

Keep in mind Trump is not only leading for President in almost every credible poll, but leading in most, if not all, battleground states.

Keep in mind every poll- even the fake ones showing Kamala leading by a point or two- put Trump in the best shape of his entire political career. He is polling 10 points better than 2016 or 2020.

Keep in mind, in both 2016 and 2020 the bettors made Trump an underdog to Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Today Trump stands as a big favorite at both offshore betting sites and prediction markets.

At Pinnacle, the world’s largest offshore sportsbook, Trump moved at one point last night to a prohibitive -170 favorite.

At Polymarket, the world’s largest prediction market, Trump is now a 20-point favorite (59.5% to 40%), and he’s now favored to win all 7 battleground states.

The GOP is also now a 80% favorite to win the US Senate.

How is this possible? Way back in 2019, on my national TV show, I branded Trump as “the Chosen One”- to denote that he is the one-in-a-billion person chosen by God to save this country and make America great again.

Now I’ve given him a new name to denote his remarkable, relentless, courageous, superhuman strength…


But all of this fantastic news leads to one conclusion: The only option Democrats have left is to cheat. They won’t go down without a fight. They won’t give up power willingly.

They will choose to rig and fix this election- at a level unseen in world history.

And their number one choice is the votes of the 20 million illegal alien invaders they invited, welcomed and waved into this country over the past four years. You can bet they plan to use their votes to cheat Trump out of the presidency.

Exhibit A is the DOJ on Friday night of last week announcing they are suing Virginia for daring to remove non-citizens from the voter rolls.

That’s the “tell.” This is how they will come at Trump to steal the election.

That’s all that stands between a smashing Trump victory, thereby saving America, securing the border and making America Great again- 20 million illegal aliens voting for Democrats to avoid deportation.

So how do we stop it? I have a plan. There are two ways to go.

Choice #1 is go hardcore. Scare them so harshly, they won’t even think of taking a chance on voting. Trump should announce when he takes office, ICE will target and track down every single illegal alien/non-citizen who voted. They will face 10 years in prison, a $100,000 fine, and then upon release from prison, instant deportation, with a lifetime ban- they can never apply to re-enter.

Choice #2 is the carrot and the stick. Give them hope. Offer them a choice. Because if Trump says he will deport all of them, all 20+ million, then perhaps some (or most) of them will think, “What do I have to lose? Either way, if Trump wins, I’m being kicked out of the country. So, I might as well take a chance to vote, and hope we defeat Trump.”

So why not give illegal aliens the threat of swift and harsh punishment, or “hope” if they make the right choice, and stay out of this election.

I’ve come up with a creative plan that turns the tables on evil Democrats. And I’ve even tested this plan. I announced it on my Real America’s Voice TV show, “The Root Reaction,” gave out my email, and asked for thumbs up, or down.

Over 1,000 viewers responded. The vote is in- they loved it. 99% positive response. Almost everyone of them used the same words- they called it “brilliant” and “genius.”

Here’s the plan…

If they vote they get prison, bankruptcy, deportation and a lifetime ban. But if they don’t vote, they have something to gain. An opportunity. A lifeline given to them by President Trump.

If they don’t vote, they get a one-year reprieve. They don’t get citizenship. Ever. But they get a work permit- good for exactly one year. By the end of that year, they must prove they have an on-the-books job, and they pay taxes into the system.

If they do that, they can stay temporarily with a work permit only. But they will never become citizens.

They will never be allowed to vote. Once they broke the law and illegally entered our country, they gave up the right to vote. Ever.

And they can never collect any form of welfare. All welfare for non-citizens must be banned on day one of a Trump presidency.

If they commit any crime, they will be deported. End of story.

If they don’t meet those terms, they are deported.

If they don’t like that they are banned for life from ever being citizens, or ever voting, or ever receiving any form of welfare, they can self-deport.

But if you came here only to work, not for welfare, and if you agree to never take a government handout, and if you pay taxes into the system, you can stay on a temporary work visa.

One more thing- Trump must also end “Birthright Citizenship” to go with this idea. Otherwise, illegals could game the system and even if they never become citizens, or never vote, or never collect welfare, they could give birth to illegally achieve all of that for their children.

My point is…

We need to win the election now. That’s all that matters. And to accomplish that, we must stop illegal aliens from voting, dead in their tracks. This is how to do it. With either a harsh threat of punishment, or with a carrot and a stick offering hope for staying out of the election.

If we elect Trump, we can worry about all the other details later. Right now, all that matters is stopping the steal.

Right now, all that stands between a massive, smashing victory and repudiation of Kamala and Democrats, is 20 million illegal aliens voting.

We have 20 days to stop the steal. This gives President Trump aka “Trumpzilla” two ways to do it.

You might call this the new “Art of the Deal.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.

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