Home Politics WAYNE ROOT: “Lie, Deny, Hide Kamala and Cheat Like Crazy.” The Democrat...

WAYNE ROOT: “Lie, Deny, Hide Kamala and Cheat Like Crazy.” The Democrat Plan is Simple, Brilliant, Ruthless, Evil and Pure Fraud. But Can They Pull It Off? | The Gateway Pundit


By Wayne Allyn Root

We have been gaslighted for the past four years again and again. It’s all lies, fraud, misrepresentations and Soviet KGB-Nazi Gestapo-level propaganda.

About virtually everything.

About Biden’s mental and physical health…about Covid vaccines (they’re not safe or effective)…about the wide open border (which lets in not only criminals and terrorists, but all the fentanyl that kills over 100,000 Americans per year)…

about the economy (we are in recession right now)…about inflation (it’s horrible)…about jobs (the only job gains are for illegal aliens)…about GDP (the economic growth is mostly from obscene government spending which is causing the debt explosion that will soon destroy our country, economy and your children’s future)…

about crime (it’s the worst in modern history, but the biggest Democrat cities aren’t reporting crime stats to the FBI)…about green energy (it’s a massive failure, which is why your electric and gas bills have doubled and tripled)…

about Democrat policies (which have turned big cities into third world crapholes). Basically, it’s all lies and gaslighting, all the time. About everything.

Because whatever Democrats touch, turns to sh—t.

So, they have to lie about everything…and create a fantasy world…and brainwash you 24 hours a day.

But now along comes the biggest gaslighting and propaganda campaign yet.

The Deep State frauds are trying to convince you that the most stupid, unlikeable, incompetent, radical, extreme, evil, communist witch in history- Kamala Harris- is now a combination of Mother Teresa and Margaret Thatcher.

The media, social media, and pollsters (all owned by the Deep State, DC Swamp, Democrat Party, China and the Chinese Communist Party) are trying desperately to convince you that Kamala is suddenly leading Trump.

They want you to believe that the person in charge, Biden’s partner for the past four years, the person who caused all your pain, is the person who feels your pain, and the person with all the solutions to make the pain go away.

No one ever asks, “But, you’re in power right now. Why would we have to wait until you’re elected? Why don’t you solve our problems right now? Why didn’t you solve them for the past four years?”

They want you to believe that if only we elect the radical, clueless, incompetent, dumb as a tree stump, “border czar” who never visited the border…and who purposely left the border wide open to welcome in millions of criminals, terrorists, welfare addicts and future Democrat voters…to destroy our economy, explode the debt, take our jobs, overwhelm our schools and bankrupt our healthcare system…and violently rob, rape and murder our citizens…if we only elect THAT person who made it all happen…she suddenly has the magical solutions to make it stop. Even though she directed it all.

Wow! Aren’t we lucky Kamala’s available for the job!

They want you to believe the person who only four weeks ago was as popular as herpes and chlamydia, is now the most popular, exciting and heroic candidate in history.

She hasn’t been allowed to have one press conference, or answer one question, in three weeks as the supposed Democrat nominee for President. She’s being hidden…she’s not allowed to speak…not one word…not because she’s stupid, or got her job only through DEI (even though Joe Biden called her “the DEI Vice President”)…but because she’s brilliant.

And if you believe any of that, I have a bridge to sell you…in Vegas…over the Atlantic Ocean.

So, now please allow me to explain the Deep State, DC Swamp, Democrat plan to get their stooge elected. It’s simple and easy to see…

Kamala Harris will be placed in the Witness Protection Program. She’ll be hidden for next 11 weeks. Just like Biden in 2020. Why? Because anytime she speaks, the world finds out she’s as dumb as a box of rocks, incompetent and a radical, extreme communist. If Kamala speaks, or answers questions, she loses. So, she won’t.

She is “AWOL Kommie Kamala.”

Next comes the censorship, whitewash and coverup. The biased-liberal mainstream media and social media will hide her horrible personality, terrible policies and awful radical, communist voting record.

Not to mention FACTS- they’ll try to hide the actual terrible results of the past four years of the Biden-Harris administration. Kamala owns inflation, crime, the open border catastrophe, and foreign affairs blunders across the globe that are at this moment leading to WW3. All of this has to be hidden and covered up for only 11 short weeks.

In football this is called “Prevent Defense.”

This is the Democrat strategy. Put up two extreme, radical, communist hacks and traitors who appeal only to radical communists, transgenders, BLM rioters, felons, illegal alien invaders, atheist feminists who worship abortion as God, and low information voters who believe the lies of the Deep State PR wing (aka the mainstream media).

Now throw in CIA brainwashing techniques from the media, social media and Google.

Then rig the election with fake mail-in ballots, millions of ballots from corrupt ballot drop boxes and ballot harvesting. Rig the ballots from nursing homes, psychiatrist facilities and drug rehab centers- make sure all these people incapable of taking care of themselves, hand over their ballots. Democrats will do the rest.

And of course, the main tool to steal the election- register as many of 20+ million illegal alien invaders as humanly possible. Promise them welfare, food stamps, free healthcare forever, and no deportations ever, if they vote Democrat.

Maybe mix in a new pandemic, the start of WW3, and/or riots and anarchy on college campuses this Fall. Why? Create as much distraction, crisis and chaos as possible.

“Never let a crisis go to waste.”

That’s the plan. Simple. Brilliant. This is how they plan to steal America forever. Because if they win, there will never again be another Republican President or Congress. They will be in power forever. America will be lost forever.

Anyone think I’m wrong? The only question is, “Can they pull it off?”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.

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