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WATCH: Ben Bergquam Shows Cartel Campsites and Massive Wall Opening Where Illegals Cross Border with Help From Government Funded Organizations in Tucson, Arizona | The Gateway Pundit


Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam released more footage of cartel campsites showing how easy it is to transport illegals into the US at the southern border in Tucson, Arizona. 

These are Border Czar Kamala Harris’ new voters, and she’s not going to do anything to stop them.

In the video below, Bergquam shows the massive gap in the wall that is used by human smugglers and illegals to cross the border. “I guarantee you, those guys are coming right over to this spot, the way they’re going out. They left at the end of the wall, and they’re coming back to this opening that Kamala and Joe have left open for four years,” says Bergquam as illegals walk through the desert.

Bergquam also noted that the leftist organizations funded by Pima County, Arizona, such as No More Deaths, leave water for the aliens and provide safehouses for them once in the US.

Bergquam: “They’re coming right through here, right up there, and this all, both of these trails where the drug traffickers are going, where the human traffickers are going, all of them lead directly to No More Deaths. Some of them split off and get picked up. They got cars waiting for them. Some of them continue on, go all the way up to Tucson. Some of them go right through no more deaths, get aided and abetted by an American nonprofit organization that’s working to undermine American sovereignty that is partially funded by Pima County. Right now”

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Bergquam released part one of his expose on the leftist organizations in Arizona aiding and abetting the cartel’s human smuggling operation.

Watch here:

Ben Bergquam of Real America’s Voice Exposes Cartel Trails, Water Stations Set Up By the Left to Assist Illegal Crossings (VIDEO)

Bergquam also filmed the cartel smugglers at their tents and multiple checkpoints, just waiting to cross over the border.

“These guys are just waiting. They’re gonna be coming over,” Bergquam says while filming the operation from his drone. “You got the cartel Scout, you got the lookout in the red shirt, and you got the camouflage guys right there. It’s all connected. So if one route doesn’t work, they move to the next one, and they’re gonna be coming right down here, right through this wash.”

“If I stay in one place too long, they’ll probably take a shot at me,” he added.

Watch below:

Bergquam: It’s all right there, and guaranteed our border patrol knows about it, guaranteed the Mexican military knows about it, guaranteed the politicians in Arizona that are getting paid off know about it. If they cared, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden would know about it, and they’re doing nothing. And that’s where they’re getting their money from. This is where they’re getting their money from, right here, and they’ve left that hole in the wall for four years knowing full well these guys were operating right here.

And the reason they’re there is because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have left us unsecured. Four years, they’ve left this open, and they’ve left the wall unfinished. Four years. And now they want you to believe that they’re going to fix it. They are the cancer. They are the cancer

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