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Wait, What? Even the CDC Now Admits That the Vaccinated Likely Have a Higher Risk of Infection With New Covid Variant | The Gateway Pundit


As if the Covid Scamdemic couldn’t get any more absurd, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC is now admitting that the failed Covid “vaccine” causes those to receive it to be more susceptible to infection than someone who is unvaccinated – just as the Biden Regime is seemingly prepping for another authoritarian lockdown and booster rollout with the arrival of the new election BA.2.86 Covid variant, no less.

Curious timing.

According to the CDC’s ‘Risk Assessment Summary for SARS CoV-2 Sublineage BA.2.86‘ that was published late last month, the new variant “may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines.” In other words, the experimental gene therapy jabs have done nothing but cause problems for those who have taken it, including, but not limited to, sudden death, blood clots, heart complications, and now increased risk of infection – as confirmed by the very organization that called the very same notion ‘disinformation’ just a few months ago.

Now we just need them to acknowledge the rest of the issues that have been caused by the jab.

Despite the transmission admission, the CDC shamelessly added that the new vaccines coming this month will definitely do their job – just like the first, and second, and third, and so on shots that came before. As the agency puts it, “this updated vaccine will be effective at reducing severe disease and hospitalization.”

They can’t be serious. This is despite the fact that, by their own admission, “scientists are [still] evaluating the effectiveness of the forthcoming, updated COVID-19 vaccine.” No surprise – this round is being rushed to market without proper testing too.

From the CDC risk assessment:

Based on what CDC knows now, existing tests used to detect and medications used to treat COVID-19 appear to be effective with this variant. BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines. Scientists are evaluating the effectiveness of the forthcoming, updated COVID-19 vaccine. CDC’s current assessment is that this updated vaccine will be effective at reducing severe disease and hospitalization. At this point, there is no evidence that this variant is causing more severe illness. That assessment may change as additional scientific data are developed. CDC will share more as we know more…

…updated vaccines will be available as early as mid-September at your local pharmacy or doctor’s office.

The CDC’s admission comes just a month after the Cleveland Clinic released the results of a study that showed that a higher number of COVID-19 vaccine doses received increases the risk of infection with COVID-19.

The study was published at Open Forum Infectious Diseases (OFID), wherein the studies are fully peer-reviewed.

The research, conducted with a large sample size within the healthcare system, capitalized on the early recognition of the need to maintain an effective workforce during the pandemic.

Cleveland Clinic Peer-Reviewed Study Found that the More Vaccines You’ve Had, the Higher Your COVID-19 Infection Risk


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