Home Technology Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctions six Iranian officials

Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctions six Iranian officials


The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has sanctioned Iranian officials linked to cyber activities against critical infrastructure in the United States and other countries.

The six individuals in question were part of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Cyber-Electronic Command (IRGC-CEC), an Iranian government organization.

All individuals have been added to the Specially Designated Nationals And Blocked Persons List (SDN) and their properties and financial assets have been held by the OFAC as part of the counterterrorism authority Executive Order (E.O.).

According to the note published by the OFAC, Hamid Reza Lashgarian, head of the IRGC-CEC and a commander in the IRGC-Qods Force, has been a part of IRGC cyber and intelligence operations in the past.

The other six persons are all senior officials of the IRGC; Mahdi Lashgarian, Hamid Homayunfal, Milad Mansuri, Mohammad Bagher Shirinkar, and Reza Mohammad Amin Saberian.

Sensitive targets

The accused are reported to have hacked portable logic controllers produced by Israeli company Unitronics.

The United States, with Private Sector companies and the countries impacted, worked to minimize the damage to critical water systems that had been compromised.

Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Brian E. Nelson said that “the deliberate targeting of critical infrastructure by Iranian cyber actors is an unconscionable and dangerous act.”

The public services that had been hacked received minimum impact, but it has left the United States concerned that these infrastructure services have been targeted.

“The United States will not tolerate such actions and will use the full range of our tools and authorities to hold the perpetrators to account,” Nelson concluded.

In other U.S. security news, the FBI has foiled an attempt by a Chinese hacker group known as Volt Typhoon. The hackers have targeted U.S. routers in homes and small businesses as part of a wider botnet.

Last week, Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco announced that “in wiping out the KV Botnet from hundreds of routers nationwide, the Department of Justice is using all its tools to disrupt national security threats – in real-time.”

Image credit: Pexels

Brian-Damien Morgan

Freelance Journalist

Brian-Damien Morganis an award-winning journalist and features writer. He was lucky enough to work in the print sector for many UK newspapers before embarking on a successful career as a digital broadcaster and specialist.

His work has spanned the public and private media sectors of the United Kingdom for almost two decades.

Since 2007, Brian has continued to add to a long list of publications and institutions, most notably as Editor of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, winning multiple awards for his writing and digital broadcasting efforts.

Brian would then go on to be integral to the Legacy 2014, Media and Sport Directorate of the Scottish Government. Working with ministers to enact change through sport with institutions like the Homeless World Cup.

He would then lend his skills to multiple private sector institutions. Brian would win national acclaim helping his country deliver judicial education and communications during the pandemic-era. Earning a writ of personal distinction from the Lord President of Scotland for his efforts as the Head of Communications and Digital for the Judicial Office for Scotland.

Brian has returned back to the thing he loves most, writing and commenting on developments across technology, gaming and legal topics, as well as any-and-all things sport related.

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