Home Travel Travel Goals 2024: How To Achieve and Benefit From Them

Travel Goals 2024: How To Achieve and Benefit From Them


At the start of 2024, now is the perfect time to make a few well-thought-out travel goals for ourselves and plan different ways to reach them.

Travel goals should be on your list, but not just new places to go. Experiences also play an important role.

Set travel goals for yourself that will help expand your knowledge of the world around you, your skill base, and your personal, mental and physical horizons.

Here are some travel goals you can set to get you started and how you can work towards achieving them.

Prioritise Travel: Make 2024 Count Towards Your Goals

The world is busy: full of jobs and things to do, friends and family to socialise with, houses and pets to look after and of course bills to pay.

Travel is a great way to get to places, but there’s more to it.

Prioritising travel in 2024 can also be to improve your mental and emotional knowledge and well-being, learning about the inner and outer worlds.

Travel can take you places both physically and mentally that will enable you to live life in a different way.

Create a realistic budget for yourself, built around the cost of and prices in the places you want to travel.

That budget should be solely for travel expenses and nothing else.

Do’t Forget To Treat Yourself to New Luxurious Experiences in 2024

Luxury is luxury because it’s not the “every day”. While that sounds like a no-brainer, its a good reminder that every now and again, you should reward yourself for all your hard work and treat yourself to a luxury experience.

Since this is a list of travel goals, why not fly by private jet charter instead of on a commercial airline?

Flying on a private plane can be an incredibly restful experience compared to sharing a cabin with a crowd of strangers.

You’ll arrive at your destination ready to take on anything! If you’re travelling with friends, using a private plane means you have more time with them to plan your excursions or just enjoy the experience of being up in the air together.

Go On A Digital Detox: It Really Makes A Difference

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The time you spend travelling is the perfect time to go on a digital detox.

Do you remember the time when you used to rely solely on a guidebook to show you around a destination?

This means you’ll put down social media and texting for a while to take a little break from being so available on a digital level.

We don’t recommend a photo-free holiday; you’ll have to remember your trip somehow, but just that you take your travel time to be present in the moment, wherever you are.

Best way to do this is to place your Smart Phone into Airplane mode to turn off the Internet.

You should keep your phone or computer nearby and fully charged in case there’s an emergency or you need some kind of help, but keep these devices powered off when they aren’t necessary.

You’ll feel more connected to yourself, your fellow travellers, and the experiences on your trip and return to social media and digital communication feeling refreshed.

Many people report reduced anxiety and feeling like they are more easily able to stay focused on one moment or task once they’ve experienced a digital detox.

Personally I like to go offline on a cruise as internet is expensive and encourages me to stay offline.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

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Instead of choosing destinations similar to the ones you usually choose, opt for a destination a little off the beaten track.

If you typically like travelling to tropical beaches, why not choose the mountains of Switzerland or Alaska instead?

If you usually stay in luxurious hotels, why not try backpacking to change things up?

We aren’t suggesting that you do something you’re sure you won’t like: if you’re uncomfortable in hot weather, for example, don’t choose to visit the desert!

We’re saying there is a lot out there to experience, and choosing something unusual for yourself could result in the best time of your life.

Get out of your comfort zone a try something different in 2024.

Learn a Local Language or Cultural Aspect

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As travellers, we mostly feel like we are experiencing the cultures of the places we travel to from the outside as onlookers.

Set a goal for yourself wherever you’re going next: pick up a local language, learn how to do a regional dance, or how to make a famous dish from the region.

You’ll experience your destination in a whole new way: like a local. The places you visit will take on a new meaning once you learn to see them the way the locals do: from within a culture.

Don’t forget to be adventurous when it comes to food on your travels and try new, exciting and exotic dishes. you might end up liking it!

You’ll make friends, grow your skill set, and have a wonderful time. You’ll also take home the kind of souvenir that doesn’t need to sit on a shelf: worldly knowledge.

What Are Your Travel Goals for 2024?

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If some of the items on our list sound like a good idea, you may want to add them to your list of travel goals or use them as a springboard to get your list started.

What I like to do at the start of every year is create a note file where I can write down all the places that I would like to visit throughout the year.

Places that I’ve been inspired to visit and experiences I would like to try.

Then at the start of each year, I can work out my trip planning.

I can look back at my list and break them up and work out when in the year I can visit possible.

Travel connects us to the world and all the people around us.

It’s a way to grow, learn, and have a wonderful time doing it.

Where will you be travelling this year?

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