Home Politics Top Senate Democrat Tells House Ethics Committee To Preserve Matt Gaetz Report

Top Senate Democrat Tells House Ethics Committee To Preserve Matt Gaetz Report


Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) has told the House Ethics Committee to preserve their report on Trump attorney general nominee Matt Gaetz.

Via The Washington Post:
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Illinois), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, called on the House Ethics Committee to preserve its report and documents about former congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) after he abruptly resigned from the chamber Wednesday.

“We cannot allow this valuable information from a bipartisan investigation to be hidden from the American people,” Durbin said in a statement. “Make no mistake: this information could be relevant to the question of Mr. Gaetz’s confirmation as the next Attorney General of the United States and our constitutional responsibility of advice and consent.”

The House Ethics Committee will be voting on whether or not to release the report. The Ethics Committee is unique because it is non-partisan. The committee is made up of an equal number of Democrats and Republicans. It would be surprising if the Ethics Committee did not release the report.

Sen. Durbin’s move is intended to make sure that even if the report is not released the Senate Judiciary Committee will have access to it for use during Matt Gaetz’s confirmation hearings.

If the report was damaging enough to force Gaetz to immediately resign, it is probably damaging enough to sink his hopes of becoming attorney general.

Either way, it looks like the report won’t stay secret for long.

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