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Tim Scott Gives Away The Plan By Refusing To Say Trump Shouldn’t Declare Victory Early


Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) was asked directly if he would urge Trump not to declare victory while the results are still being counted, and he refused to support democracy.

Scott was asked by CNN’s Dana Bash, “Will you urge the former president not to prematurely declare victory and allow the process to play out so the American people can trust the final outcome?”

Scott didn’t answer the question, but instead went on a wishful thinking fantasy about how great election night will be for Republicans, “We are looking forward to a good day on Tuesday night without any question. I’m excited to see the battleground states we talked about are all leaning towards Trump . The good news is we will have a fair election and Donald Trump will be our next president.”

Bash tried again, “The eve of the election but what I’m asking about is what if he doesn’t win and the fact of the matter that is that Trump is spreading false claims about cheating in Pennsylvania. He has repeatedly said a massive victory even though polls show the race is close he’s setting the stage for his supporters not to believe the results if he loses. Do you want him stop doing that?”

Scott said, “I would never tell any candidate on the ballot to talk about what happens they lose. Obviously you are going to lean into the victory.”


Trump is going to declare victory when he has not won, undermine democracy, and faith in the election process. Tim Scott is okay with that. Sen. Tim Scott would defend democracy. That is how far off track from American values that the Republican Party has become.

All Americans should be prepared for it. Sometime probably before midnight on election day, Donald Trump will declare victory in an election that he will not have won. We’ve all seen this playbook before. Everyone should be ready to disregard any of the ramblings of a man who will stand trial for inciting an insurrection against the United States government if he loses.

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