Home Health The Vibes to Expect at the Polls

The Vibes to Expect at the Polls


As we wake up on the morning of November 5 in America, we’ve already been through some intense Scorpio season astrology with last week’s transformational new moon and the harsh Mars-Pluto opposition over the weekend. But the good news is that Election Day itself is relatively chill—cosmically, at least—and we can take major advantage of that. After many sleepless nights and anxious days, we have finally made it to the actual day, and the astrology is equal parts joyful and strategic.

Setting the chart of Election Day to 9 a.m. ET in Washington, D.C., we’ve got a Sagittarius rising with the moon in Sagittarius. Hello, much-needed joy! Sagittarius, a feisty fire sign ruled by jovial Jupiter, is the sign of world affairs, philosophy, and, some would say, politics. It’s also the sign of optimism and laughter, a healing force and a stress-reducer. If you’re voting just as the polls open, you can tune into this very positive vibe at the polls. Embody that Sagittarius energy as you high-five your neighbors and show them funny memes on the voting line, even if it’s long.

In this early morning election day chart, a few wild and amazing things are happening at once. Venus—which is also in Sagittarius like the moon and rising sign of the Election Day chart—is in the first house. That sits opposite lucky Jupiter in the house of partners, suggesting that women feel seen and supported by the people in their lives. Venus is trine—a positive aspect—to Chiron, the wounded healer. So it could feel like our vote is both our voice and our healing balm.

Just like people, countries have natal charts. One way of seeing into the country’s fate is by breaking out the chart of the U.S.A. (dated July 4, 1776) and overlaying it with the 2024 election chart. In that chart, we see the current position of Black Moon Lilith—a point in the moon’s orbit representing feminism—at exactly the same degree as Saturn in America’s chart, the planet of masculinity. Lilith is hovering over Saturn at 14 degrees of Libra, the sign of justice, ruled by Venus, the planet associated with women. In other words, women are fired up on Election Day.

The moon moves into Capricorn later in the morning (at 10:17 am ET), bringing the energy back down to earth—and so we’re focused on a more sober strategy for the rest of the day. We can take that early morning joy with us, of course, but we may need to contend with longer lines and other forces in our way. This is why it’s so essential for all of us to have a voting plan a few days in advance, if possible. There is nothing Capricorn loves more than a plan (Other than winning, of course).

Here’s an Election Day forecast that you can read for your sun or rising sign.


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background

March to the polls as if it’s your job, Aries! The moon starts the day in your house of idealism and ideas, planting the seed for what you want to create in the world. Then it moves into your house of success, where it will remain as the votes are tallied later in the evening. You’re so ready for this.


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background

With your planetary ruler Venus smashing glass ceilings everywhere on Election Day, you’re ready to get down to business. And with the planet of love and beauty in your house of transformation, you’re propelled to go and make that change yourself, no holds barred. Bonus: the moon is in your sister earth sign for most of the day, so you’re grounded and buoyed at the same time.


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue images

You may want a partner to talk through your voting strategy, Gemini. Can you take a friend or colleague along with you to vote, or make friends in line? With the moon in your house of others super early, you’re less in the mood to go solo, but if you make it to the polls after that, you’re pushing for deep change as lunar energy shifts into your transformation zone.


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards

With the moon in your house of partners for most of the day, your fierce protective instincts come out. You may vote with the intention of taking care of everyone that you love, in the spirit of creating a better world for all. You might also be a bit tired as the day wears on, because your ruling luminary is opposite your own sign. It’s okay to nap, just don’t forget to vote!


leo astrology symbol on blue background with images of

The moon leaves your sister fire sign very early in the morning. But, even if you miss your stop at that cosmic charging station, you can tap into a workhorse mentality with energy flowing through your sixth house of daily activities. You’ll have no problem getting to the polls and checking that off your list, plus a whole bunch of other errands and tasks with time to spare.


virgo astrology symbol with images of the earth and tarot cards on an orange-colored background

The moon moves into your sibling earth sign Capricorn early enough in the day that you’re able to take advantage of the steady, grounded vibe. With this strong lunar energy flooding your house of pleasure and fun, you might even feel like flirting with folks in line. Is this voting booth a dating app?


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

Your innate drive for justice and balance can make you feel a bit anxious and out of control on days when everything hangs in the balance. Plus, with the moon in your fourth house of home, you may want to ask your boss for a WFH or personal day, so you can anchor into your own beautiful, safe, and secure space. Of course, you can throw an impromptu yet exquisite dinner/watch party for your friends, if you need socializing.


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

You’ve got a lot to say about this election and about voting today, Scorpio. With the moon in your third house of talking, texting, and thinking, you’re mulling all the pitfalls and potentials in your head, and possibly sharing a lot of those thoughts on social media. Just don’t forget to vote even if you’re caught up in explaining to others why they need to vote, too.


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

The moon has been in your sign for the last few days and if you wake up early enough on Election Day, you can drink up the last few hours of sweet Sagittarian lunar elixir. After the moon shifts into your second house of money, you’re thinking more about your bottom line and security needs, and how to vote strategically to protect them. Forget about fly-by-night schemes—what will be best for you and your family long-term?


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

You’re the favored astro-sign of the day, babe! After the moon shifts into your stars, you may realize that people are paying even more attention to you than usual, and possibly looking to you for advice about when, where, and how to vote—you’re known for having all the answers and a precise plan, after all. You’re always the boss, but today, you’re the CEO of the entire franchise.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

You always analyze in advance (often, too much) and you’ve surely studied your ballot already. Being ten steps ahead of the crowd will be a good thing, because with the moon in your twelfth house of dreams, you may feel sleepy and more inert today. If you voted early or by mail, no worries, just focus on self-care rituals. If you still have to get it done, just do it as early as possible, so you can spend the rest of the day tending to yourself.


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

Your networking skills are strong today, Pisces. As the moon traverses your eleventh house and lights up your social skill-set, you’re all about getting your message out on the socials and with friends. Dial up the group chat and share one more text message about how important it is to vote—don’t worry about being annoying—and consider making a video as you’re on your way to the polls. You might even slip in some time for a few early morning canvassing calls to strangers.

(Well+Good’s resident monthly astrologer, Stefanie Iris Weiss, has a brand new book! Sex and Your Stars: A Sexologist’s Guide to the Erotic Energy of the Zodiac, is available right now.)

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