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The Suspense Builds – What Is the Solution to Save US Elections? Mike Lindell to Reveal His Plan on Thursday | The Gateway Pundit



America is eagerly waiting to see what Mike Lindell will unveil this Thursday to save America’s elections. 

This article was cross posted at The Gateway Pundit. 

This week in Springfield, Missouri, entrepreneur and American icon Mike Lindell, known to many as the “My Pillow Guy”, will unveil the solution to save America.  Lindell has worked tirelessly for many months since the 2020 Election with many concerned citizens across the country to ensure that US elections going forward are free and fair.

Lindell’s “Election Summit” will take place on Wednesday and Thursday in Springfield, the site of last year’s event.  Many Americans from across the country will be there to participate and to take in the information shared.

The list of presenters at this year’s event include Lindell, “America’s Mayor” Rudi Giuliani, Texas AG Ken Paxton, Justice Mike Gabelman from Wisconsin, Steve Bannon, General Mike Flynn, Lou Dobbs, and many more.  The event will also include a number of election experts and local patriots who have worked tirelessly across the country to ensure the next election is not stolen like in 2020.

Lindell shares that only 14 people know the solution he will propose.  Those involved have kept this secret for some time.  Lindell says that tens of thousands of Americans on the ground across this great nation have been working to address the numerous issues with the 2020 and 2022 elections.  These individuals have canvassed and attended numerous local, county and state meetings encouraging those in charge to take seriously these elections that impact the entire world.

“Nothing like this has ever been done before in history”, Lindell shares.  His solution doesn’t depend on legislators or judges to implement.  But most importantly, this week will provide hope to the many Americans who have suffered under the Biden regime.

General Mike Flynn gives credit to Lindell for putting this event together.  He is one of the 14 who have seen Lindell’s plan.

No one in America has worked harder to improve the election integrity of U.S. election systems and processes than Mike Lindell. In his pursuit of ensuring the integrity of our elections, Mike has developed a plan that offers our nation an opportunity to protect and defend our elections from electronic interference. During this upcoming summit, that plan will be revealed, and its successful execution will require every American to join together at the precinct level on up to work together to overcome the many threats we have to the sacrosanct privilege of our vote.

Patrick Colbeck, engineer, author and former Michigan State Senator, has also seen Lindell’s plan. He says:

Here is the key thing from my perspective.  Everybody’s looking for a plan and what Mike and his team have put together doesn’t depend on the courts, the FBI, or the unfriendly media.  The only thing it depends upon is as many people as possible knowing about this solution.  Mike and the rest of his team are going to deliver.  I think it’s a game changer.

Attorney Kurt Olsen, who has been in the fight for free and fair elections since 2020 representing Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake in the process, is also one of the few to have seen Lindell’s plan.  He shared:

Everyone has heard of the parable “give a man a fish, feed him for day, but teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” In the past, we just cast our vote and accepted the outcome — the equivalent of feeding ourselves for the day.

We can no longer cast our vote and walk away. Elections are being rigged in a systemic manner.  You are going to learn how to become the watchman for elections — not to just cast a ballot — and you will be equipped for that task in ways never done before. The systematic rigging of elections is going to end. We The People will secure our sacred vote and take back our Country.

***To support Mike Lindell and benefit Gateway Pundit, use promo code TGP at MyPillow.com — and get up to 80% off!***

What Lindell plans to deliver is hope.  So many Americans have lost hope in the American dream since the 2020 election.  Mike says Lou Dobbs said, if this saves the country, I’ll be there.

On the first day of the summit, presenters from all 50 states will lay out the enormous issues they encountered after the 2020 Election and then they will provide a list of the many steps they took to fix elections in their states since November 3, 2020.  Those there and watching the live stream will see the progress that has been made since late 2020.

On Thursday, the second day of the summit, there will be a discussion defining problem with our election platforms in the morning and then after a countdown to the plan, it will be revealed at 1pm central time. The day will end with a discussion on how to convert the plan into action.

The suspense builds.  America will be watching. 

Register for event below and use code JOEHOFT:

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