Home Health The Full Moon in Taurus Will Deliver Spicy Surprises

The Full Moon in Taurus Will Deliver Spicy Surprises


Brace yourself for the unexpected under the full moon in Taurus on November 15 at 4:27 p.m. ET. As a fixed earth sign, Taurus is usually considered a beacon of stability; Taurus energy loves routine, consistency, and knowing what to expect. The full moon travels right next to Uranus, a disruptive planet of shock and surprise, adding an element of uncertainty to this year’s lunation. The moon in Taurus and the sun traveling through Scorpio bring attention to the axis highlighting our relationship with resources. How are you emotionally and financially resourced? Your sense of stability and how you show up in your relationships may be tested under these moonbeams.

Ruled by Venus—a planet associated with desire, values, finances, and aesthetics—full moons in Taurus can bring clarity to financial topics, help you embrace your values, and bring change to your relationships (or your relationship with pleasure and creativity). The Taurus-Scorpio axis also has to do with life (since Taurus embodies springtime in the Northern Hemisphere) and death (as Scorpio represents when the nights grow longer, darker, and colder). This doesn’t necessarily mean you will lose someone, but these opposing natures often usher in a period of symbolic death. This can be a positive period, inviting you to reflect on the impermanence within life itself.

Taurus is deeply connected to the senses, and you can have a realization or move through an event that helps you be more present. It’s time to stop living in the past or worrying about the future. Taurus enables you to embody your values and pushes you to decide how you want to live your life and make a difference now.

When is the next full moon in Taurus?

The full moon in Taurus perfects in the sky on November 15 at 4:27 p.m. ET. This brings you back to the new moon in Taurus on May 8. What intentions did you set around that time? Those seeds are now in full bloom.

What is the astrological meaning of a full moon?

When a full moon occurs, the sun and the moon are on opposite sides of the Earth and also sit in opposite zodiac signs across the sky from each other. The moon appears at its brightest, which is why astrologers associate this part of the cycle with illuminating topics or information previously obscured.

A full moon also marks the halfway point of the monthly lunar cycle. In astrology, this symbolizes a turning point, a moment of culmination or celebration, or a point of release. Whereas a new moon is a time to set new intentions, a full moon is typically associated with intentions materializing or coming to light.

What can you expect from the November 2024 full moon?

This year’s full moon in Taurus delivers quite a contrast to a typical full moon in Taurus. With the moon forming a tight conjunction (sitting right next to) shocking and liberating Uranus, there are bound to be some twists and turns ahead. Emotionally, this represents a moment of freedom or taking a risk that can help you get in touch with a more authentic version of yourself. Since Uranus is truly unpredictable, this moon could arrive with some high highs or low lows. Don’t pressure yourself to check things off your to-do list or stick with a plan—today’s energy is too erratic. Allow for as much flexibility as possible.

Luckily, the moon will also form gentle connections with Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces, cultivating room for self-empowerment and healing. These planetary connections will help you process any surprises throughout the day so you can see the bigger picture and silver lining. Supportive conversations that feel transformational can also occur.

Venus, the ruling planet of the full moon, will be in Capricorn and inching toward a tight square with the Nodes of Fate and Destiny (celestial points representing our predetermined path). Even though we’re done with eclipse season, any time a planet forms a harsh aspect with the Nodes of Fate and Destiny, it can stir up eclipse vibes and similar storylines. You may feel pressured to make a decision about an important relationship or contract. It’s also possible that people who enter and exit your life at this time are fated or feel karmic somehow.

Change is unavoidable under this lunation, but surrendering to the cosmic ebbs and flows and listening to your intuition can help you feel more authentic. You’re willing to push past the discomfort—to reach a goal, you’ll need to do something you’ve never done before.

To understand how this unpredictable full moon in Taurus will affect you, read on for your sun, moon, and rising signs. Then, pick up a unique self-care practice to help move through this lunation with a greater sense of ease.

What will the November 2024 full moon in Taurus bring for every zodiac sign?


aries zodiac sign symbol on graphic background with the moon and clouds

Your finances are about to change, Aries! The full moon activates your second house of income, resources, and possessions. You may decide to make a big, splashy purchase, feel called to play the lottery, or take a risk with your investments. There could also be shifts in your professional life, such as a job ending suddenly or you quitting. You may also be focused on your possessions—like selling a family heirloom or an engagement ring from an ex. A new, bright idea about how you want to make money may also strike.

Your full moon self-care practice

Cultivate a daily gratitude practice. You can shatter limiting beliefs around your self-worth and what you’re deserving of under these moonbeams.


taurus astrology symbol on graphic background with the full moon and clouds

You’re done playing small, Taurus. The full moon, in your sign, lands in your first house of self, identity, and new beginnings. You’re in a risk-taking mood and more willing to embody a more authentic version of yourself. Are there parts of yourself you tend to play down to keep others comfortable? It’s time to share your whole self with the people most important to you. Some relationships may crumble, while others reveal how much you’re genuinely valued. A personal goal you set for yourself may also begin to materialize.

Your full moon self-care practice

Play dress up! Have some fun with your clothing, hairstyle, and makeup. Focus on embodying a future version of yourself in the present moment.


gemini astrology symbol on graphic blue background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

You can’t hide from your subconscious any longer, Gemini. The full moon moves through your 12th house of closure, solitude, self-defeating habits, and intuition. You may crave more privacy as you process some deeper feelings. As one relationship or situation ends, give yourself space to grieve, if necessary. You’re also more aware of how you’ve managed to get in your own way and which habits you can change to help you feel more in tune with your goals. You may also have a prophetic dream or receive a message from an ancestor or loved one. Pay attention to your intuition and gut responses today—they offer guidance and insight.

Your full moon self-care practice

Commit to a spiritual practice that supports your nervous system. Consider grounding exercises or meditation to bring you back into alignment and release what no longer serves you.


cancer astrology symbol on graphic blue background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

You get by with some help from your friends, Cancer. The full moon illuminates your 11th house of community, allies, luck, and dreams for your future. You could encounter someone influential today. It’s also possible you have exciting plans with friends or are attending a social event you’ve been looking forward to. You’re open to exploring new activities that bring you together with people with similar interests and values. There may also be sudden shifts in your friendships—maybe a relationship deepens, or you want to invest more time nurturing a new connection.

Your full moon self-care practice

Push yourself outside your comfort zone to connect with new people. New opportunities and inspiration will strike!


leo astrology symbol on blue graphic background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

You’re under the spotlight, Leo! The full moon activates your tenth house of career, recognition, and milestones. This can be an exciting moment regarding any major goals you’ve been working toward—whether it’s an engagement, promotion, community organizing, or deciding to go back to school. You’re making an announcement to the world and don’t care who is rattled by what you have to share. Decisions you make today can come on suddenly, leaving you feeling proud of yourself. You could also receive a job offer or decide to leave a career path altogether. You’re ready to make major life changes under these moonbeams!

Your full moon self-care practice

Promote yourself and be proud of how far you’ve come! Share some of your recent accomplishments with friends and family, and don’t feel guilty about patting yourself on the back.


virgo astrology symbol on blue graphic background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

You’re changing your mind, Virgo. The full moon lights up your ninth house of information, education, perspective, and wisdom. Conversations help you understand other people’s perspectives and open your mind to new possibilities. Communication can also feel jarring—maybe you learn something shocking, or you’re the one delivering surprising news. Big breakthroughs can also pop up today, especially when you choose to ditch your comfort zone, take risks, and try something new. You may also learn about a sudden opportunity to share your voice, writing, or expertise with your peers or a wider audience.

Your full moon self-care practice:

Make time to learn something new. Whether you sign up for an online class, do a weekend workshop, or pick up a book.


libra astrology symbol on a blue graphic background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

Your sense of security is rattled, Libra. The full moon activates a very private and sensitive part of your chart—your eighth house of psyche, trust, reciprocity, fears, and shared finances. You’re more aware of the give and take in your relationships and may feel ready to suddenly walk away from contacts or connections that take advantage of your generosity. The past can also resurface, and while this moment can feel unnerving, you’re ready to confront avoided feelings to further your healing journey. Practically, there are changes in your finances, too. You could receive an unexpected payment or a bill.

Your full moon self-care practice

Pencil in time for a good, cathartic cry. Give yourself space to feel emotions that have been bottled up.


graphic of the scorpio astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and stars

You’re tired of the same old song and dance, Scorpio! The full moon lands in your seventh house of one-on-one relationships and contracts. You’re ready to shake things up when it comes to your love life. Maybe you want more space and autonomy if you’ve felt suffocated lately, or perhaps you know a relationship has run its course. Others could meet someone significant out of the blue or even receive an unexpected job offer or opportunity. Some couples may be in a more experimental mood—whether trying out a new date night idea or exploring new ways to please one another in the bedroom.

Your full moon self-care practice

Nurture your important relationships by trying something new. Whether it’s a BFF, roommate, or a lover, plan a time to do something you’ve never tried before.


graphic of the sagittarius astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and stars

Something’s gotta give, Sagittarius! The full moon lights up your sixth house of daily routine, responsibilities, and well-being. It’s time to face the ways you’ve engaged in self-sacrifice head-on. This may be a moment for you to step away from projects or commitments—in both your personal and professional lives—that leave you feeling underappreciated or exhausted. This is potent energy for shattering bad habits and freeing yourself from vices. You could also receive help when you least expect it or find a solution to an ongoing problem. You may also have a reality check about how you’ve neglected your own well-being. You’re ready to make a change.

Your full moon self-care practice

Tend to your body, spirit, and mind. You need to fill your own cup before you can show up for others.


graphic of the capricorn astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and stars

You’re in a celebratory mood, Capricorn. The full moon moves through your fifth house of joy, pleasure, romance, and creativity. You may stumble upon a new hobby or activity you want to take more seriously. You could also learn some surprising but exciting news. This energy also fills your mind with creative inspiration and gives you the courage to share your creative output and talent with others. In matters of the heart, this can also signify a make-it-or-break-it moment.

Your full moon self-care practice

Try a new hobby that interests you. New ideas and inspirations will find you in the process.


graphic of the aquarius astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and stars

Your foundation is shifting, Aquarius. The full moon lands in your fourth house of home, family, and the past. Under these moonbeams, you may experience a revelation about your family history or learn something surprising about a loved one. You could also deal with sudden annoyances at home, like a dishwasher breaking or odd interactions with a roommate. You may also make a drastic change regarding your living situation, such as rearranging all your furniture or deciding to pick up and move. Emotionally, you may also revisit memories or experience an epiphany about your past that can feel cathartic and liberating.

Your full moon self-care practice

Do a deep clean of your living space. As you clear clutter, you also create more mental and emotional space for yourself as you remove stagnant energy.


graphic of the pisces astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and stars

You’re ready to reclaim your voice, Pisces! The full moon illuminates your third house of self-expression, communication, learning, and travel. There could be something you’ve kept to yourself that you’re ready to share with others. It’s very possible whatever you choose to share will catch others off guard, but it can set you free in the process! You may also learn shocking news today or receive a surprising offer or invitation. Relationships with siblings and family members can also feel a little odd—maybe you’re putting some drama to rest or ready to step back from an unhealthy relationship. You could also make a spur-of-the-moment decision to go back to school or book some travel.

Your full moon self-care practice

Pick up a pen and start free writing. Putting your ideas and feelings into words can lead to breakthroughs.

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