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Space Agency 3D prints its first metal part in space on the ISS


The European Space Agency (ESA) has produced its first-ever metal part in space using its 3D printer. In the past, the International Space Station (ISS) has created plastic parts, but it’s the first time it has been able to print metal, which may have more applications.

The printer was successfully installed on board the ISS in January. According to Airbus, who are one of the manufacturers of the device, the objective is to “demonstrate the feasibility of metallic part production in microgravity, opening the way to new on-orbit manufacturing capabilities.”

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen installed the payload in the European Drawer Rack of ESA’s Columbus module. In August, the printer generated the first 3D metal shape in space.

Why is the ESA printing 3D metal shapes in space?

The ESA revealed that the ability to print metal would be vital in its Moon and Mars missions as it would be more difficult to resupply.

In a statement, the agency said: “Additive manufacturing in space will give autonomy for the mission and its crew, providing a solution to manufacture needed parts, to repair equipment or construct dedicated tools, on demand during the mission, rather than relying on resupplies and redundancies.”

There are three others planned during the rest of the experiment, which will return to Earth for quality analysis. Two of the samples are expected to go to the Netherlands (ESTEC), another will go to ESA’s astronaut training centre in Cologne (EAC) for use in the LUNA facility, and the fourth will go to the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

Metal 3D Lead Engineer Anthony Lecossais said: “One of the major objectives of this technology demonstrator is to gather as much data as possible of the effects of microgravity on the printing performance. We are very pleased to have achieved a successful print, right first time!”

Daniel Neuenschwander, Director of Human and Robotic Exploration at ESA added: “With the printing of the first metal 3D shape in space, ESA Exploration teams have achieved a significant milestone in establishing in-orbit manufacturing capabilities.

“This accomplishment, made possible by an international and multidisciplinary team, paves the way for long-distance and long-duration missions where creating spare parts, construction components, and tools on demand will be essential.”

In October, it was reported that defunct satellites and other pieces of orbital debris were pumping metals into Earth’s fragile upper atmosphere, with effects unknown. Whether printing metals in space will cause further issues remains to be seen.

ReadWrite has reached out to the European Space Agency for comment.

Featured image: ESA/NASA

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