Home Politics Softbank CEO Joins President Trump to Announce $100B Investment in America: “My...

Softbank CEO Joins President Trump to Announce $100B Investment in America: “My confidence level to the economy of the United States has tremendously increased with his victory” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit


Softbank CEO Masayoshi Son speaks with President Trump after announcing a $100B investment in America over the next five years./Image: Video screenshot

In 2016, President Donald Trump announced that Masayoshi Son, chairman of Sprint and CEO of SoftBank Group Corp, pledged a $50 billion investment in the United States.

At the time, President Trump tweeted that Son would have never made the deal had Hillary won the election.

HAH!… Trump Tweets: Softbank CEO Said He Wouldn’t Have Invested in US if Hillary Won! –HAH-HAH!

Today, in light of President Trump’s decisive victory in the 2024 election, Son joined Trump to again pledge a massive investment in America.

This time, Son announced a $100B investment in America over the next five years.

Son remarked, “Thank you so much. I’m very, very excited. I would really like to celebrate the great victory of President Trump. My confidence level to the economy of the United States has tremendously increased with his victory.”

“So because of that, I’m now excited to commit this $100 billion and 100,000 jobs into the United States.”

“This is double of last time, as President Trump said. Because I say, ‘Oh, President Trump is a double-down president. I’m going to have to double down.'”

“$100 billion and 100,000 jobs. This is my confidence level because that has double down.”

“So I am truly to make this happen. And of course, business is important, technology is important. But one more thing I’m really hoping is that this President Trump would make the world, bring the world into peace again.”

“That’s my additional hope. And I think he will make it happen. Anyway, I’m excited to go, and we were discussing, and President Trump said, ‘Masa double down is not enough. Maybe go for more, right?'”

Trump used his art of the deal style to do some impromptu negotiating,  “I’m going to ask him right now, will you make it $200 billion, believe it or not, he can actually afford to do that.”

The two laughed and Son replied, “With your leadership and my parternship and your support, I will try to make it happen.”

Trump quipped,  “Alright, $200. He’ll make it happen.”

Son lauged,  “He’s a great negotiator!”


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