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Socialist Students at the University of Minnesota Planning to Protest Appearance by Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett | The Gateway Pundit


Radical, left wing students at the University of Minnesota are planning to protest an appearance by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett in October.

This has become all too common. Progressive college students in the United States think that they get to decide who is allowed to speak at public institutions.

These are the same type of students who believe that college should be ‘free’ which of course means taxpayer funded, yet they also don’t think that half of the country should even be allowed on college campuses. Real life doesn’t work that way.

The College Fix reports:

U. Minnesota socialists to protest coming Amy Coney Barrett appearance

The University of Minnesota Students for a Democratic Society and Young Democratic Socialists of America plan to protest an appearance by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett next month.

Barrett will be giving the Law School’s annual Robert A. Stein Lecture on October 16, according to The Minnesota Daily

A SCOTUS justice has given the lecture every year for the last decade.

The SDS and YDSA are angry at Barrett’s majority opinions in Dobbs v. Jackson (which overturned Roe v. Wade) and the two cases which ended affirmative action in college admissions.

“We have to use our voice and do what we do best to make sure that not only the University, but Barrett knows that that kind of forces are not welcome here,” the SDS’s Gillian Rath said.

Rath also claimed UMN officials “don’t care about our thoughts and feelings and they really don’t care about our rights.”

Rath, who’s quite involved in the abortion rights movement, participated in a protest earlier this year which demanded the establishment of more abortion clinics across the (progressive) state. She also allegedly was “harassed” by the FBI for her actions against “predatory” crisis pregnancy centers.

This is an image from the Instagram page of one of these groups:

Too many of our college campuses have been completely radicalized by the far left. That has to change.

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