Home Politics SMURFGATE: Disgusting MSM Hit Piece Charges 16-Year-Old Loretta with Wearing Letters “HH”...

SMURFGATE: Disgusting MSM Hit Piece Charges 16-Year-Old Loretta with Wearing Letters “HH” – Which Stands for Helly Hansen, not Heil Hitler! | The Gateway Pundit


“Loving your Country is not a Crime”: Banner at Loretta’s High School


The attack on 16-year-old German girl Loretta continues: After her principal reported her to the police for TikTok posts including a Smurf video (Gateway reported), the usual suspects in the Trump-hating German mainstream media have ganged up on her to paint her as some sort of crypto-Nazi. Their accusations include a photo with the letters “HH” – which turned out to be a Helly Hansen jacket.

Formerly conservative newspaper “Welt” ran a vile hit piece on Loretta Tuesday, accvusing her of posting “deeply far-right symbols” and claiming she had worn  “a top with the letters HH sewn on it” – implying this is short for “Heil Hitler”. Using the Nazi slogan is a crime in Germany.

Junge Freiheit newspaper spoke to Loretta and her mother, who said they were never confronted with the alleged screenshots an anonymous snitch sent to her principal, and discovered the “HH” letters “sewn on” to her clothes actually referred to the logo of popular fashion brand Helly Hansen!

Helly Hansen is a Norwegian sports clothing brand popular with rappers like Xzibit, and has been worn by stars like Kate Middleton, Bradley Cooper and Megan Fox. The logos are usually printed  and not sewn on.

“Die Welt” newspaper also claimed Loretta’s posts included the numer “1161”, a numerical code they claimed stands for “Anti-Antifa” (A being the first letter and F the sixth letter in the alphabet). The formerly conservative newspaper did not explain what is wrong with opposing the violent leftist shock troops that regularly terrorize right-wing politicians in Germany with no consequences. German interior minister Nancy Faeser wrote an article for “Antifa” magazine in 2021.

However, Junge Freiheit pointed out that Loretta had never heard of this code. Neither had any of the numerous state-run or -financed hate speech monitors which keep lists of alleged right-wings codes.

“Die Welt” also charged Loretta with criems such as posting a photo of herself before a German flag. The newspaper basically regurgitated the self-exculpatory version of the local police, who claimed that the Smurf video posted by Loretta had nothing to do with it. Loretta and her mother insist that the Smurf video was also mentioned by the police, who sought to threaten her over her social media posts.

Loretta’s Smurf Meme, which has become a joke worldwide at the expense of German police and government, read “Smurfs are blue – and Germany is too!”. Blue is the color used by the right-wing AfD party, which has become the strongest party in East Germany.

“Die Welt” newspaper is part of Springer Publishing, which is owned by US Henry Kravis’ Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, alöong with Business Insider, which faces legal action from US investor Bill Ackman over a similarly disgusting hit piece on Ackman’s wife Neri Oxman. Springer also owns Politico website and “Bild” tabloid, Germany’s largest newspaper. Springer CEO Matthias Döpfner is a Member of Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Meetings, a contributor of the World Economic Forum in Davos, former member of the Atlantic Council‘s German chapter Atlantikbrücke and of the censorship-industrial complex flagship Institute for Strategic Dialogue and guest of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Youth movement Generation Identity climbed the roof of the school in Ribnitz-Damgarten on the Baltic Sea, North Germany and unfurled a banner reading “Loving your Country is not a Crime”.

“We wanted to express our support for Loretta and her family when she was attacked, so we made the banner over the weekend and drove to the school on Monday morning”, a spokesman for the Identitarian Movement Mecklenburg-Vorpommern told the Gateway Pundit. “The school has a fire ladder, so it was easy getting on the roof. We just needed a ladder for the last two meters onto the roof. We wanted to unfurl the banner right before school starts Monday, so a lot of people would see it, so there were a few teachers there who tried to accost us, but we managed to get away nonetheless.” There ahve been no police charges so far, the spokesman said. The Identitarian Movement is a peaceful non-violent youth movement which protests mass illegal migration and has been criminalized in most of Europe despite its non-violent nature inpsired by Greenpeace and other left-wing groups.

Junge Freiheit revealed that another family at Richard-Wossidlo-Gymnasium reported political persecution at the school, where a teacher told a student not to criticize the ruling Green party.

Speaking to NIUS website, Loretta’s mother said she had confronted the prinicipal over why he didn’t come to her first. “He told me he has orders from the State Education Ministry to report every susected far-right incident to the Ministry and the police, who are then obligated to see if a crime has been committed. “These were his orders from the Education Ministry of Mecklenburg-West Pommerania, the prinicpal told Loretta’s mother.

Teachers were also instructed to monitor what kind of clothes the kids wear and report any brands that are associated with the far right, to the Ministry Loretta’s motherwas told. “He told me there had also been criminal charges filed against students, as if to say, what are you complaining about? Loretta didn’t do anything.”

Loretta said a teacher had assigned her to write a report about the AfD and “how dangerous it is.” Loretta also recounted there had been an event at her school sponsored by the ruling Social Democrat party’s Friedrich Ebert Foundation about “recognizing far-right hate”. The German Federal Government spends €182 million a year as part of the “Living Democracy!” program to “combat the far-right” in schools and elsewhere.

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party scheduled a debate on the case in the German Bundestag for Friday. The State parliament of Mecklenburg-West Pommerania will alsot deabte the incident Thursday.

Junge Freiheit publisher Dieter Stein Wrote in Chronicles Magazine:

„Under the Federal Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser (a Social Democrat), the state has plans to prosecute people for expressing opinions and saying things that, while not strictly illegal, are considered “harmful.” The head of Verfassungsschutz, Thomas Haldenwang, has said that he wants to prevent “certain patterns of speech and thought” to get a hold in the public. He did not clarify what “certain patterns” he means. Respected professors of law and the constitution have expressed deep concerns about these intentions.

“What Ms Faeser is pursuing here, is pure ideology and against the constitution,” warned former Defense Minister and professor of state law, Rupert Scholz, in a recent interview in BILD newspaper. “She delegitimizes free speech, the core of our democratic state.” The law professor Volker Böhme-Neßler of Oldenburg university called out the minister for her “appalling negation of free speech.” Others have drawn parallels to the former GDR policies of suppressing freedom.

But the government of SPD, Greens, and Liberals is on the advance. In recent months, a relentless propaganda wave has presented AfD and other critics of the establishment as a danger to democracy. In fact, the only thing the party is a danger to is the hegemony of the left-liberal establishment and their vision of a “rainbow” democracy that caters to the interests of all kinds of minorities and woke causes. An array of left-wing and green NGOs are showered in taxpayers’ money to “work for democracy” in this specific sense. The Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser pushes ahead with plans for a Orwellian-termed “Demokratiefördergesetz” (Law for the promotion of democracy) which would give an extra €200 million per year for predominantly left-wing pressure groups busy fighting the AfD.

The “Smurf scandal” at the high school in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern might sound like an overblown, once-off sort of outrage, but it is emblematic of hundreds and even thousands of similar incidents where citizens are intimidated for stating unruly views that the government and the mainstream media do not like. Public servants are afraid to lose their jobs or suffer a career setback if they speak out. AfD party activists have had their cars burnt or their houses attacked with paint or stones; hotels and other venues are very reluctant to rent out locations for AfD meetings and events because, if they do, they are often faced with threats or violent attacks by Antifa groups.

The government claims they are “promoting democracy.” But what kind of democracy has a government that denounces the second-largest opposition party as “enemies of democracy”? What kind of democracy allows the main political block to organize state-sponsored mass protests against dissidents who divert from the mainstream—to the point where citizens and even schoolchildren are intimidated because of their political views? Is this democracy or is it a half-totalitarian state?

The attempts to crush an outspoken opposition force through a combination of state propaganda and the disturbing abuse of a domestic spy organization are reminiscent of the former GDR, not a proper democracy of the type that the people in the former GDR had hoped for when they took to the streets more than 30 years ago to rid themselves of left-wing dictatorship. What we are witnessing now is the emergence of a kind of GDR 2.0. Those who claim to protect democracy are effectively undermining it.“




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