Home Politics Robert Kennedy Jr.: We Can’t Have a Democracy If We Don’t Have...

Robert Kennedy Jr.: We Can’t Have a Democracy If We Don’t Have Freedom of Speech… “It Is Inevitable that If You Start Censoring Speech – It Is a License for Any Atrocity” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


Robert Kennedy Jr. joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures earlier this morning.

Robert Kennedy Jr. was asked about Democrats censoring him during the House Subcommittee Weaponization on Government Censorship.

Democrats attempted to censor fellow Democrat Robert Kennedy at the hearing. That’s how far gone they are.

Robert Kennedy Jr. defended free speech – the cornerstone of our democracy – during the interview.

Robert Kennedy Jr.: This needs to be bipartisan. And the Democratic Party has always fought very hard on my father, my uncle, and throughout its history. The word ‘liberal’ means freedom and applies specifically to freedom of speech. We can’t have a democracy if we don’t have freedom of speech. It is the cornerstone of our democracy. That’s why the framers, put it in the First Amendment. It is as I said, it’s the sunlight, it’s the water, it’s the soil of democracy. Without free speech, democracy will wither and die. And everybody knows that. We’ve been warned about that by George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn… Heinz. Everybody knows the beginning of totalitarianism…

…The people who censor speech when we look back in history, they’re never the good guys. And it’s inevitable that if you do start censoring speech because government abuses every power that it’s given and if government suddenly has the capacity to censor its critics, it is a license for any atrocity.

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