Home Politics Remember John Edwards’s $1,250 Haircut? Kamala’s Nails Just Blew That Number Out...

Remember John Edwards’s $1,250 Haircut? Kamala’s Nails Just Blew That Number Out of the Water | The Gateway Pundit


Whether they’re in office or on the campaign trail, Democrat politicians have a penchant for spending lots of money on really stupid things.

After it was discovered that Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign raised one billion dollars, only to find themselves $20 million in debt for their losing effort on Nov. 5, the public — donors among them — were wondering where all the money went.

The reader may remember in 2007, when Democrat candidate John Edwards spent an appalling $1,250 for a haircut from Beverly Hills stylist Joseph Torrenueva, but Harris’s expenses from nail artist Tahvya Krok make that look like chump change.

The Daily Mail reported Wednesday that the Harris campaign “disbursed” Krok an astounding $5,000 on Aug. 26 for her work.

A haircut is one thing.

Voters will look at the candidate from the shoulders up in many appearances televised or in-person.

Being presentable, with professional attire and a well-groomed appearance, should be important, but Edwards’s $1,250 was and is indefensible in the eyes of any self-respecting man. Most wouldn’t pay more than $25 — or better yet, they’d just have their wife do it for free.

The voter won’t notice nails unless they are grotesque and unkempt.

It’s unclear what the Harris campaign hoped to achieve by seeking Krok’s services, as the election night totals speak for themselves.

If your blood isn’t already boiling, for context, Harris’ nails bill costs what a family would spend on groceries in about five months.

While we could endlessly ridicule Edwards and Harris, both situations are indicative of the timeless “rules for thee and not for me” standard the left always defaults to.

Americans are expected to live in abject poverty and misery as we are told of a looming climate crisis, while our government has spent the past four years — under Harris and President Joe Biden — dumping billions into foreign wars and giving handouts to illegal immigrants.

For balance, every American with a basic understanding of our current political class knows President-elect Donald Trump is a billionaire and does not skimp, as his campaign was one of wealth, power and extravagance.

What’s the difference?

Trump is wealthy and wants the nation to be wealthy.

His politics align with the prosperity he unashamedly displays.

If Democrats want us all to live humbly without property, luxury or even comfort, they should lead by example.

As for Harris, her campaign debts and gross mismanagement are just more evidence that her victory on Nov. 5 would have brought ruin.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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