Home Travel Reasons to Book a Homestay in Nepal

Reasons to Book a Homestay in Nepal


Are you looking for a deeper connection with a spirited culture and spectacular landscapes? Then look no further than a homestay in Nepal!

Imagine yourself in the middle of the majestic Himalayas, not just in a basic hotel room, but within the welcoming embrace of a Nepali family.  

Homestays are an exceptional alternative to traditional hotels or hostels, especially for travelers who want first-hand experiences of the local culture and community. In other words, homestays are a form of lodging and hospitality where the visitors and local family share their residence.

This could be considered an affordable and pocket-friendly accommodation alternative, especially in a country like Nepal, which is a melting pot of cultures, traditions, and ethnicities.

Here’s why booking a homestay in Nepal should be at the top of your travel itinerary.

Here’s how to travel sustainably in Nepal

Embark on a purposeful adventure with Voyageons Nepal, where each travel experience contributes to sustainable development and local empowerment.

Their travel packages are about more than sightseeing. They’re built to focus on sustainability, making sure you get a true local experience while leaving behind a positive impact on the community.

Browse through their sustainable Nepal packages and book your trip now.

Here’s an overview:

Reasons to Book a Homestay in Nepal

Reasons to Book a Homestay in Nepal

There are many reasons to book a homestay in Nepal, here are just five of them.

1. It’s Budget-Friendly

Homestays in Nepal are usually more budget-friendly than hotels. So, be a smart traveler and choose a pocket-friendly option instead.

  • Accommodation: Homestay rates are usually lower than hotel rooms. Depending on the arrangement, you can share a room with a common sleeping area or have your own.
  • Meals: Homestays generally include meals in the package price, especially breakfast and dinner. This can be an immense saving compared to eating separate meals out at restaurants every day.
  • Activities: Most homestays offer cultural activities or local experiences as part of the package, which can save you on the cost of separate tours.
A homestay in Nepal
Reasons to Book a Homestay in Nepal

2. You Get First-Hand Experiences of Culture, Traditions, Local Cuisines, and Lifestyle

Homestays give you a firsthand experience of living with a Nepali family. You get a close look at their lifestyle, traditions, culture and, of course, the local cuisine.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Personal family interactions: You’ll get to interact with your host family, share conversations, eat meals, hear, laugh, and hear their delightful and bummer experiences. This personal bonding can deepen understanding of their lifestyle, beliefs, and traditions.
  • Closer exposure to Nepali culture: In homestays, you’ll get to witness religious ceremonies, participate in local festivals, or even learn a few phrases in the local language. You’ll get to hear interesting stories about their traditions and customs from your host family, which will give you a whole new meaning, changing your point.
  • A culinary exploration: Nepali cuisine has a unique, delicious blend of flavors and spices, including regional specialties like Dal Bhat (lentil soup and rice). Homestays will serve you authentic home-cooked meals prepared with fresh local ingredients. You’ll learn about the significance of different dishes and spices and maybe even adopt some basic cooking skills from your host family.
  • Religious practices: You’ll participate in daily prayers or offerings from the host family, which will enhance your learning about the significance of the rare religious symbols, traditions, and rituals they accompany.
  • Festival celebrations: If you get lucky enough, you’ll experience a local festival firsthand. You’ll have a firsthand experience of the traditional dances, music, food preparations, and the joy of celebrating together with love and harmony.

Related read: Surprising Cultural Facts About Nepal

3. Participate in Local Activities

Homestays provide an opportunity to participate in local activities, such as learning cultural dances and cultural artworks like paintings, pottery making, and cultural dishes.

Here are some other experiences you can take part in:

  • Participating in daily chores: Homestays offer experiences like milking cows, helping in the fields, or attending the local market. You’ll get a glimpse into the realities of everyday life in Nepal.
  • Learning local crafts and skills: You’ll get a chance to learn traditional crafts, like pottery, painting, carpet weaving, and woodcarving, from your host family. This way, you’ll better appreciate their local skills and knowledge.
  • Learn work-leisure balancing: You’ll experience how they balance their work and leisure in a Nepali household. You’ll witness traditional crafts being made, followed by evenings filled with storytelling or traditional folk music.
Local traditional festivals in Nepal
Reasons to Book a Homestay in Nepal

4. Help Promote Economic and Environmental Sustainability

Homestays tend to create a positive cycle of sustainability in Nepal. By supporting local families economically, you contribute to cultural preservation and encourage environmentally friendly practices that ensure a sustainable future for future generations.

Here are more ways to support the local economy:

  • Support income generation of the local community: While you stay in a homestay, you’ll directly pay the money to the host family without any third-party involvement, which will benefit them directly. You’ll be providing the host family with a vital source of income. This will be vital in improving their living standards, empowering them financially, and promoting economic sustainability.
  • Support local businesses: During your stay, you might get fascinated by local souvenirs and handicrafts or participate in tours organized by the family or community members. This might encourage you to spend money supporting small businesses and contributing to the local economy.
  • Sustainable and eco-friendly practices: Homestays usually promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices like using local resources, composting food waste, avoiding the use of plastics, and conserving energy. As you support them it will motivate them to continue these practices.
  • Choose responsible tourism: As you choose a homestay, you’ll become responsible by supporting responsible tourism principles. You’ll be more aware of your environmental impact and choose to contribute to it for protection.

Related read: Sustainable Travel Tips on a Budget

5. Homely Experiences and Memorable Connections

Homestays truly offer a homely experience that goes beyond the standard hotel stay. A Nepali family homestay will provide you with a warm and welcoming atmosphere where you can feel at home.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Warm hospitality: At a Nepali family homestay, you’ll be greeted and treated as a guest rather than a customer. You’ll experience genuine warmth and hospitality from the host family, who will take pride in sharing their home and culture with you.
  • Memorable connections: You’ll feel comfortable and at ease, like you belong there, as you share meals, conversations, laughter, and stories with your host family. You’ll develop genuine connections with your host family, create lasting memories and build connections.
  • Flexibility and tailored experiences: Homestays are usually flexible and can be customized according to your interests and preferences. Everything from meal timings to activity arrangements to room arrangements can be discussed and adjusted according to your preferences.
  • Get some local insights: While you stay in a homestay in Nepal, your host family becomes your window into local life as they share stories about their traditions, customs, and daily routines. This offers a glimpse into the local perspective that guidebooks cannot provide.
Cooking in a homestay in Nepal
Reasons to Book a Homestay in Nepal

Nepal Homestay Dos and Don’ts: Tips for Better Experiences

Follow these dos and don’ts to ensure a respectful and enriching experience at your Nepali homestay. Remember, the goal is to immerse yourself in the culture and connect with the local people, creating lasting memories and fostering a positive cultural exchange.


  • You must be mindful of local customs and traditions, like removing shoes before entering a home.
  • Especially while you visit religious sites, dress modestly.
  • You can ask your host family if they expect any specific things from guests.
  • For your convenience, learn a few basic Nepali phrases Like “Namaste” (hello), “Dhanyabad” (thank you), and “Ramro” (good). This shows respect and effort to connect with your hosts.
  • As homestays might not offer the same level of amenities as hotels, you need to be flexible and adaptable in embracing the opportunity to experience a different way of life.
  • You need to communicate clearly to the host family about your preferences for meals, activities, and privacy. You shouldn’t hesitate to ask for clarification on anything you’re unsure about.
  • You should be open to new experiences like participating in offered activities, trying local dishes, and asking questions about their culture. This way, you’ll get to embrace the opportunity to learn and immerse yourself in Nepali life.


  • Most homestays have basic rules like meal times, footwear removal indoors, or smoking restrictions. You must be respectful and follow them.
  • Be respectful of Nepali cuisine and traditions, even if they differ from your own.
  • Don’t consume illegal substances, drugs are strictly prohibited in Nepal.
  • Ask for permission before taking pictures of people or religious sites, especially if they seem uncomfortable.
  • If you don’t like something, communicate politely with your host family, and they’ll most likely try their best to accommodate you.

Nepal is known worldwide for its diverse communities, culture, and traditions due to which you get a new experience every other homestay. From cultural activities to language, cuisines, and traditions everything varies from one community homestay to another.

Nepal is usually famous for its community homestays. A community homestay is often located in rural areas, usually run by a community group where profit is shared among the members of the community. 

Eating in a homestay with a Nepali family
Reasons to Book a Homestay in Nepal

Get the best of Nepal with community homestay packages at Voyageons Nepal, including three meals per day, accommodation and many more.

Here are a few recommended community homestays in Nepal.

Homestays in Kathmandu Valley

  • Panauti Community Homestay 
  • Nagarkot Community Homestay 
  • Patlekhet Community Homestay
  • Nuwakot Community Homestay
  • Kapan Community Homestay
  • Patan Community Homestay
  • Bungamati community Homestay 
  • Namje Community Homestay
  • Mai pokhari Community Homestay
  • Shree Antu Community Homestay
  • Hemjakot Community Homestay
  • Narchyang Community Homestay
  • Mustang Community Homestay
  • Palpa Community Homestay
  • Gurung Homestay
  • Beautiful View Homestay
  • Kimche Homestay
  • Himalaya Lodge and Homestay 
  • Snow View Homestay
  • Himalayan View Homestay
  • Gurung Cottage and Homestay
  • Mountain View Homestay
  • Muktinath Homestay
  • The Royal Mustang Homestay
  • Mountain View Homestay
  • Snowland Homestay
  • Poon Hill Home Stay
  • Mother House Trekking Home Stay
  • Peaceful Lodge and Home Stay
  • Heaven Hill View Homestay

Related read: Annapurna Base Camp Trek: A Complete Guide

Homestays in Terai and Western Nepal

  • Baruli Community Homestay 
  • Tharu Community Homestay 
  • Piprahar Community Homestay
  • Bardiya Community Homestay
  • Lafa Community Homestay
  • Rana Tharu Community Homestay
  • Bhada Community Homestay
A homestay in Nepal
Reasons to Book a Homestay in Nepal

Food in a Homestay in Nepal

The region and community you’re visiting play a vital role in the types of cuisines you’ll be served at a homestay in Nepal.

Despite that, here are some of the general cuisines you’ll be served.

  • Dal Bhat: Dal Bhat is considered a national dish in Nepal. It consists of steamed rice and lentil soup and is often served with various curries and vegetables.
  • Achar (pickle): Achar is a spicy pickle made with local vegetables, commonly served as a side dish.
  • Seasonal vegetables: Seasonal vegetables that are fresh and locally grown, like spinach, cauliflower, potatoes, cabbage, and green beans, are usually served.
  • Gundruk (fermented leafy vegetables): A gundruk is a unique fermented leafy green vegetable that’s a staple food and flavoring in Nepali cuisine. It is a slightly sour side dish. 
  • Tea: Tea in Nepal can be considered as the common breakfast drink. You’ll get some made-in-Nepal tea with milk and sugar in it. 
  • Sel Roti: Sel Roti is a traditional and popular dish among the hill people in Nepal. In Nepali homestays, it is often a breakfast offering made from local and seasonal ingredients. 

It is crucial to keep in mind that in the high Himalayas due to the limited access to ingredients, the meals you’ll be served there tend to be simpler consisting more of root vegetables and yak cheese.

To sum up, Breakfasts are simple yet filling, usually consisting of Roti (flatbread) with seasonal vegetable soup, eggs & masala chai, a spiced milk tea. 

Lunch is supposed to be the biggest meal, mostly Dal Bhat the national dish which consists of steamed rice with lentil soup, accompanied by various curries, seasonal vegetables, pickles, and yogurt.

Dinner is usually a lighter version of lunch, consisting of similar dishes to lunch but in smaller portions. 

Similarly, as snacks you can expect some treats like popcorn, dried fruits, seasonal fruits, or local sweets throughout the day.

Additional Reminders!

  • Let your host know in advance if you have any specific food preferences or any kind of food allergies.  You’ll be accommodated accordingly. 
  • Embrace the fact that homestays focus on home-cooked meals, not fancy restaurant fare. Hence, you’ll get to enjoy authentic flavors and the experience.
  • You’ll only get a chance to enjoy and try new dishes and experience Nepali culinary traditions firsthand in a homestay!

Booking a homestay in Nepal is not just finding a place to sleep, rather it’s a gateway to a transformative experience. You’ll delve into the heart of Nepali culture, build genuine connections with local families, and aroma the warmth of their hospitality.

From indulging in delicious home-cooked meals to getting involved in vibrant festivals, homestays will offer you a unique blend of cultural immersion, budget-friendly travel, and a chance to contribute to sustainable and responsible tourism. 

So, why not ditch the impersonal hotel experience and embrace the beauty of a Nepali homestay?

As you return home, you’ll develop a fresh mindset and a deeper understanding of Nepal, cherish the memories, and unblemished admiration for the simple joys of the unforgettable journey of this mesmerizing country.

Traditional Nepali cuisine
Reasons to Book a Homestay in Nepal

Farmstay and Cultural Retreat Package

Consider the Baseri Farmstay and Cultural Retreat Package for a peaceful and culturally enriching break from urban life. Located in Nepal’s countryside, Baseri Farm Stay offers a unique experience that diverges from the typical tourist path, providing an authentic touch with its natural beauty and traditional practices.

From your arrival in Nepal, the farm stay immerses you in the country’s agricultural lifestyle and scenic landscapes. You will actively participate in farming activities, gaining insight into Nepal’s agricultural heritage.

The retreat also explores Nepal’s cultural richness, visiting ancient temples and historical sites such as Chandeshowri, Changunarayan, Dapcha, and untouched Balthali village, alongside Panauti and Bhaktapur Durbar Squares. Adventure blends with tranquility through mountain flights over the Himalayas and visits to spiritual sites in Bouddha, Patan, Khokana, and Bungmati.

Dining at the farmstay emphasizes local flavors, from dal bhat to raksi, enhancing your cultural experience. The package includes all necessary permits, a TIMS card, full-board meals, and guided services, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of Nepal’s heritage.

The Baseri Farmstay and Cultural Retreat Package offers more than a vacation; it’s an opportunity to connect deeply with Nepal’s land and people, leaving you with lasting impressions and a broader perspective. Embrace this journey of meaningful travel in Nepal’s serene and culturally vibrant setting.

Get in touch with the tour operator directly

Baseri Farm Stay in Nepal.
Baseri Farm Stay in Nepal.

Price: $1,499
Cancellation Policy: For a full refund, cancel at least 48 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.
Trip Style: Farming & Sightseeing
Trip Difficulty: Easy
Max Altitude: 2,000 m
Accommodation: Farm Stay
Meals: All Meals Included
Best Season: January – December


Day 1: Arrive in Nepal and soak in the serene vibes at Baseri Farm Stay. Experience genuine Nepali hospitality amidst lush green surroundings, setting the tone for a peaceful and revitalizing journey.

Day 2: Take a laid-back day to relax at the farm, uncovering the wonders of horticulture and the variety of plants thriving in this picturesque setting.

Day 3: Dive into Nepal’s cultural richness with a trip to Chandeshowri Temple in Banepa. Return to the farm to bask in the tranquil atmosphere.

Day 4: Set off on an adventure to Namobuddha, an ancient pilgrimage site. Explore the charm of the traditional Newari village in Dapcha, immersing yourself in Nepal’s cultural diversity.

Day 5: Indulge in another day of relaxation at Baseri Farm Stay, allowing the serene environment to rejuvenate your senses.

Day 6: Uncover the historical treasures of Panauti by exploring Durbar Square, the spiritual Triveni Ghat, and the ancient Indreshwor Mahadev Temple.

Day 7: Immerse yourself in the simplicity and beauty of farm life, taking a moment to admire the natural surroundings.

Day 8: Embark on a cultural exploration with a visit to the UNESCO-listed Bhaktapur Durbar Square, followed by a pilgrimage to the ancient Changunarayan Temple.

Day 9: Enjoy the tranquility of Baseri Farm Stay, letting the peaceful ambiance be a source of relaxation.

Day 10: Venture to the charming village of Balthali for a scenic overnight stay, surrounded by the beauty of the Nepali countryside.

Day 11: Reconnect with nature at Baseri Farm Stay, embracing the calmness and simplicity that define this unique retreat.

Day 12: Witness the grandeur of the Himalayas with an early morning mountain flight. Later, explore Bouddha for spiritual insights and indulge in spa and sound healing activities.

Day 13: Explore the iconic Shyambhunath Stupa and the historic Kathmandu Durbar Square, immersing yourself in the capital city’s rich cultural heritage.

Day 14: Embark on a journey to the ancient city of Patan, followed by visits to the traditional villages of Khokana and Bungmati, where time stands still.

Day 15: Bid farewell to Nepal, carrying memories of a tranquil and culturally enriching journey through the heart of the Himalayas.

Travelers on a Baseri Farm Stay in Nepal
Travelers on a Baseri Farm Stay in Nepal

  • Voyageons Nepal

    Welcome to VoyageonsNepal, where our dedication to travel goes beyond exploration – it’s about creating a positive impact. Our mission is to offer unparalleled and sustainable travel experiences in Nepal that contribute to the well-being of local communities and empower entrepreneurs.

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