Home Politics RAGING RINOS: Anti-Jim Jordan GOPers TRIGGERED Over Constituents Slamming Their Despicable Votes...

RAGING RINOS: Anti-Jim Jordan GOPers TRIGGERED Over Constituents Slamming Their Despicable Votes – Americans Respond By Brutally Tearing the RINOS Apart | The Gateway Pundit


RINOs Granger, Bacon and Rutherford

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier Wednesday, Jim Jordan lost a second bid for Speaker after 22 RINOs voted against him in a jealous fit.

This marked the second time Jordan failed to achieve the necessary votes to become Speaker thanks to Republicans not sticking together.

Their constituents responded to this betrayal by melting the phone lines and sending email messages demanding they reverse their illogical opposition to the Ohio conservative and ardent Biden opponent.

Some of these Jordan-hating RINOs instead took to social media to lash out at We the People for daring to criticize their stances. Notice a few played up their military service as a way to shield themselves from criticism.

Here were some of the worst posts. These came from Mike Simpson (ID-02), Jen Kiggans (VA-03), Carlos Jimenez (FL-28) and Kay Granger (TX-12th):

Naturally, the American people were not taking their whining lying down and responded in brutal fashion.





Keep calling!

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