Home Politics ProudBoy Zach Rehl Speaks Out on Fed Prosecutors’ Inhumane 30-YR Jan 6...

ProudBoy Zach Rehl Speaks Out on Fed Prosecutors’ Inhumane 30-YR Jan 6 Prison Sentence Recommendation LIVE from Prison on Jake Lang’s Political Prisoner Podcast – With a Special Plea from Zach | The Gateway Pundit


Today ProudBoy Zach Rehl speaks out on Fed Prosecutors 30 YEAR Jan 6 Prison Sentence Recommendation LIVE on Jake Lang’s Political Prisoner Podcast Description : Injustice in America today hit new heights (or depths!). Today Federal Prosecutors on the ProudBoys January 6 Capitol protest case recommended 30 YEARS for J6 prisoner Zachary Rehl!!

This unprecedented government action marks a new chapter of extreme conservative persecution in this country. Zachary Rehl joined host Jake Lang today on Gateway Pundits’ flagship podcast, the Political Prisoner Podcast recorded live from a DC Jail cell.

Ambitious and downright bloodthirsty federal prosecutors showed their true intentions recently, to utterly destroy the lives of 5 men, ProudBoys Zachary Rehl, Dominic Pezzola , Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs & Enrique Tarrio.

None of these men were convicted of any assault charges, yet with Terrorist Enhancement charges, the weaponized DOJ is seeking literal life sentences on these patriots.

Listen to his stunning testimony and thoughts on WHY the prosecutors are seeking this much time from him.

A sentencing recommendation of 30 years is absolutely staggering, but Zachary Rehl has not given up hope, remaining resolute in the fight for liberty in America.


My name is Zach Rehl, and today, I need your help now more than ever. After a mentally and physically grueling five month trial, and recently completing a presentence report that asked for around a decade in prison without even being convicted of a single assault. The DOJ is now asking for the judge instead to sentence me three times that amount and then some with a 30 years to life request. Let me repeat that, 30 years to life. That is plea deal typically given to defendants accused of murder, not trespassing at the capital building. I don’t know if you understand the gravity of this or not, but as someone who wasn’t even convicted of a single assault, let alone a murder, this is beyond absurd and should have everyone in this country alarmed.

If you think what is going with President Trump is bad, well this is proof that they aren’t just coming after our beloved president, but anyone who dares support him as well. This isn’t about serving justice, its about revenge for voting for a man the left clearly despises and is in turn, putting politics above our justice system.

I want to let the world know, I’m no monster, I am a Marine Corps veteran and I served honorably. I got out of the service and received two degrees, along with many professional licenses along the way that I acquired in the field of finance. I am literally just a typical American who loves this country. I am also a husband, and father to two daughters, one I never got to meet because of all of this.

I want to start closing out by noting, yes, I protested at the Capital on Jan 6th , but I did not hurt anyone, and I did not tell anyone to do so either. There was no plan to attack the capital, or anyone in it, ever. I was there to support the President of the United States, President Trump, and nothing more noting less. The past two and a half years have been hell and this is the icing on the cake. I’m begging you all, please look at this objectively and please donate to the legal defense fund set up on my behalf, as I need your help now more than ever. This precedent can’t stand, please don’t let it stand, please help me keep my defense attorneys so I can fight this injustice in court so no American has to suffer this again in the future.

Further, I want to say, to be accused of this atrocity breaks my heart, I loved county and still do. Despite being treated so harshly since my incarceration, I still hold no hate in my heart, even as my captors feel differently. They’ve taken my military disability benefits that was helping feed my family, closed my bank accounts and cut off any other income used to help pay for lawyers on my behalf. So again, please help anyway you can, as this could very easily be you, or your son, or nephew, etc. Please help me stand up to this atrocity and fight the good fight in court. Without you, this will continue, so let’s put an end to it before it becomes a problem and so future generations don’t have to live in fear persecution ever again.

Thank you, and may God Bless you all and may God Bless America.

Yours truly, Zach Rehl


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