Home Politics President Trump’s Plan to Dismantle the Deep State Resurfaces and Goes Viral...

President Trump’s Plan to Dismantle the Deep State Resurfaces and Goes Viral on X with Posts from Charlie Kirk and Elon Musk | The Gateway Pundit


Multiple policy proposal videos from President Trump have resurfaced on X in recent days. Perhaps none more consequential than President Trump’s promise to dismantle the deep state.

The video, originally published in March 2023, is now going viral following his historic victory over Kamala Harris.

Much of the American public’s consternation during the Biden administration arose from attacks on people’s rights and freedoms. From the authoritarian mandates during COVID-19 to the censorship campaign revealed in the Twitter files, citizens have clamored for government accountability.

Left-wing media outlets are reeling from the backlash of the election. Some of President’s Trump’s proposed policies are sure to affect the favored status of corporate media. A key indication of their looming demise can be found in the app store today as X appears at the top of the ranks in free news apps.

President Trump conveys a clear outline for an accountable government. He challenges the deep state with the following proposals:

1. Removal of rogue bureaucrats through Executive Order.

2. Clean out corruption in the National Security apparatus. Overhaul the agencies so they cannot target Christians, conservatives, and enemies of the left.

3. Reform the FISA court.

4. Establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to declassify deep state spying, censorship, and corruption.

5. Launch major crackdown on government leakers who collude with fake news to subvert the government.

6. Make every inspector general’s office independent and separate from the office they oversee.

7. Ask Congress to create an independent auditing system to monitor intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens, or running disinformation campaigns against the American people.

8. Move parts of the Federal bureaucracy to new locations outside of Washington.

9. Ban Federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they regulate.

10. Push a Constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress.

From Trump’s campaign:

TARGET GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: President Trump’s plan targets the corruption that has plagued our federal government and harmed Americans.

The Biden administration has weaponized the FBI and DOJ to target conservatives, Christians, and their political enemies.

A leaked and since-withdrawn FBI memo recently revealed that FBI agents were likening traditional Catholics to “domestic terrorists.”

Bureaucrats from the FBI and DHS directly colluded with social media companies during the 2020 election to censor Americans’ speech.

During the Russia collusion hoax, government officials routinely selectively leaked information to the media to further their anti-Trump narrative.

The FISA Court process was corrupted by the Obama-Biden administration. In the leadup to the 2016 election, the FISA court issued multiple warrants to spy on members of the Trump campaign that were later declared invalid by the Justice Department Inspector General because the FBI made “material misstatements” in obtaining them.

The Justice Department’s Inspector General found that in their applications for FISA warrants, the FBI made 17 significant “errors” and “omissions.”

The Justice Department’s Inspector General found that the “central” piece of evidence the FISA warrants relied on was opposition research from the Clinton campaign.

An FBI lawyer admitted that he forged an email in an attempt to ensure that the Obama-Biden administration’s spying on the Trump campaign through FISA warrants could continue.

Many of these proposals seem like pipe dreams to Americans who have long dreamt of government reform. Term limits would be an uphill battle as the President would need Congress to reign in their own authority and tenure.

For Democrats specifically, that would seem like an unlikely proposition given their staunch opposition to anything Trump sponsored.

However, the public mandate was clear from the election results. Some of the President’s proposals may be possible. As of this writing, President Trump appears poised to win over 300 electoral college votes.

The Senate has flipped Republican with the Republicans gaining four seats. The House is going to go to the Republicans as they have already gained two seats. The Republicans hold the majority Gubernatorial seats in the states at 27 to 23. Lastly, President Trump leads the popular vote by over 4 million votes as of Friday.

Most relevant has been President Trump’s circumvention of traditional main stream media sources. After being removed from Twitter following January 6th, Trump launched Truth Social to get his message out.

The Russia hoax, everything Covid, and the Hunter Biden laptop suppression have eroded any trust in legacy media outlets. Their viewership and ratings have plummeted considerably. Meanwhile, characters such as Charlie Kirk and Elon Musk are resurfacing Trump’s agenda on X as the country prepares for his pending inauguration.

With the loss of trust in main stream media, international support for peace, and sweeping victories at home, President Trump’s governance model could have carte blanche.

Watch the clip here:

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