Home Politics President Trump At North Carolina Rally Pledges to End All Sanctuary Cities...

President Trump At North Carolina Rally Pledges to End All Sanctuary Cities in the US When Elected (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


President Trump at North Carolina Rally, September 21st, 2024

President Trump held a big rally in Wilmington, North Carolina, with a very enthusiastic crowd in attendance.

He told the patriots that after he is elected President, he will end all sanctuary cities in the United States.

“Today, I am announcing a new plan to end all sanctuary cities in North Carolina and all across our country. No more sanctuary cities,” Trump said.

“As soon as I take office, we will immediately surge federal law enforcement to every city that is failing, which is a lot of them, to turn over criminal aliens,” Trump continued.


Trump also told the crowd that voting for President Trump is a vote to save jobs.

“The Republican party has become a party of common sense,” Trump said.

“To save your jobs, you must vote for Trump. Very simple, very simple,” Trump said.


President Trump also took the time to be a grandpa and invited two of his grandchildren, Carolina and Luke onto the stage.

Carolina with her little voice said, “Make America Great Again.”

The crowd started cheering “Carolina, Carolina, USA, USA, USA!”

Then Luke went onto the stage and said, “Vote for grandpa.”


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