Home Politics POLITICAL PERSECUTION: Arizona State Rep. Alex Kolodin Sentenced to 18 Months Probation...

POLITICAL PERSECUTION: Arizona State Rep. Alex Kolodin Sentenced to 18 Months Probation by Arizona Bar for Representing Conservatives and Filing Election Lawsuits – Disciplinary Agreement Included | The Gateway Pundit


Arizona State Rep. Alexander Kolodin

Arizona State Rep. Alex Kolodin recently came under fire from the State Bar Association with sanctions for his efforts to challenge elections and election procedures in 2020 and 2022.

Kolodin, the Arizona House Elections Committee Vice Chair and Oversight Committee Chair, is also working with Abraham Hamadeh’s legal team as they challenge the stolen midterm election where 60% of machines failed Republican voters on election day, and Abe reportedly “lost” by 280 votes.

He seemingly predicted this type of action against himself and other conservatives, telling The Gateway Pundit in January 2023, “It’s going to be pretty soon where you’re gonna be watching your back every time you open your mouth” regarding questioning election results.

According to Arizona State Bar documents, signed on November 6, 2023, and released last week, Kolodin agreed to an admonition with 18 months of probation and the completion of five continuing education and ethics courses in order to save his law license from the lawless Bar Association.

If they can intimidate or disbar good attorneys who are willing to fight election fraud, the so-called “election deniers” will never see their day in court — unless they’re Democrats, of course.

Kolodin told The Gateway Pundit, “There have been, over the past several years, numerous Democrat, dark money groups that have come after the few remaining conservative lawyers in this country because they want to deny conservatives access to the courtroom.”

“Their idea is when they do this, they’re going to be able to prosecute you with impunity, they’re going to be able to break the law with impunity. And there is going to be nobody standing between you and them to stop them. It’s time to start fighting back.

While The agreement states that Kolodin “violated his duty to the legal profession, the legal system, and the public,” it doesn’t even explain how or why. It only outlines four cases where he represented conservatives and accuses him of negligence. Three of these cases dealt with elections. 

Kari Lake, who is now running for US Senate after her stolen 2022 election for Governor, where 60% of the machines failed on election day, noted that Kolodin is simply “being persecuted for standing up and taking on election cases.”

“The weaponized and politicized Arizona State Bar is punishing him for doing his job,” she added.

Rachel Alexander of the Arizona Sun-Times reports,

The Arizona Bar charged Kolodin (pictured above) with several rules often used to disbar conservative attorneys. As part of the agreement, Kolodin admitted his actions violated Rule 42, ERs 3.1 and 8.4(d) of the Arizona Bar’s Rules of Professional Conduct. ER 3.1 prohibits attorneys from bringing “frivolous” lawsuits, and 8.4(d) prohibits attorneys from “engag[ing] in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice.”

Kolodin was not required to admit any specifics of wrongdoing, and the agreement did not explain how he violated the two ethical rules, which is unusual in an Agreement for Consent by Discipline.

Kolodin’s discipline is known as an “admonition.” He will also be required to pay the costs and expenses of the proceeding within 30 days and take certain Continuing Legal Education courses within 18 months. The agreement stated that aggravating factors were found, including “multiple offenses” and “substantial experience in the practice of law.” Kolodin has practiced law for 10 years. In previous bar disciplinary cases, the Arizona Bar often said 10 years was “too inexperienced” when handing out discipline.

The Arizona Bar primarily cited three cases Kolodin filed along with other co-counsel: Aguilera v. Fontes (Aguilera I), Aguilera/Drobina v. Fontes (Aguilera II), and Bowyer v. Ducey, which he filed with famed attorney Sidney Powell.

The 65 Project, which files complaints against election attorneys who challenged the 2020 election results over concerns of illegal activity, initially filed a complaint against Kolodin. Several progressive attorneys in leadership positions at the Arizona Bar also filed complaints, including LGBT activist Amelia Craig Cramer, a former bar president, and Robert McWhirter. McWhirter, a member of the board of governors, frequently attacked former Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas, whom the Arizona Bar ultimately disbarred in 2012 related to his efforts with former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio rooting out corruption within the Maricopa County Supervisors and stopping illegal immigration. Others who filed complaints against Kolodin included Diane Post, a progressive activist and legal director for Secular AZ, and Roxana Bacon, an immigrant activist and Democratic operative who served as co-chair on the Phoenix mayoral campaign of Democrat Terry Goddard.

In all three lawsuits mentioned above, Kolodin represented clients challenging the rigged 2020 election.

The agreement also cites a fourth lawsuit where former Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem, State Sen. Anthony Kern, and Congressman Paul Gosar were forced to pay $75,000 in attorney’s fees after losing a defamation lawsuit last year. Finchem, Kern, and Gosar sued former State Rep. Charlene Fernandez, accusing her of defamation after she “co-authored, signed, and published a false and misleading Criminal Referral Letter to the Acting Attorney General of the United States,” claiming the legislators “through words and conduct, aided and abetted sedition, treason or any other federal crimes.” However, the Judge ruled that Fernandez’s conduct was protected by the First Amendment, and the lawsuit was “filed against a political opponent primarily for purposes of harassment.”

Democrats can try to have people arrested, but when conservatives try to fight back, they face even more consequences.

This is the latest in a series of legal attacks on conservatives related to the stolen elections in Arizona leading up to the 2024 elections.

As The Gateway Pundit recently reported, Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes (D) announced last month that a grand jury indicted Republican Cochise County Supervisors Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd on felony charges of Interference with an Election Officer and Conspiracy. This is all because they wanted to ensure accuracy with a hand count audit of the stolen 2022 election before officially certifying.

BREAKING: Arizona Grand Jury Indicts Cochise County Supervisors With Bogus FELONY CHARGES for Alleged Interference with an Election Officer and Conspiracy


Read Kolodin’s agreement with the State Bar below:

Kolodin Agreement for Discipline by Consent by Jordan Conradson on Scribd

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