Home Politics Piers Morgan Slams Biden Fanboy Harry Sisson Over Unwavering Support Despite Obvious...

Piers Morgan Slams Biden Fanboy Harry Sisson Over Unwavering Support Despite Obvious Cognitive Issues | The Gateway Pundit


Guest Post by Miriam Judith

British journalist Piers Morgan took a jab at Biden’s boy toy social media ‘influencer’ Harry Sisson on Thursday, mocking his continued defense of President Joe Biden’s mental sharpness.

Biden recently withdrew from the presidential race following pressure from within his own party after a disastrous debate with former President Donald Trump.

On “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” Morgan questioned Sisson’s unwavering support, especially given the widespread concerns raised after Biden’s debate performance.

“It’s painfully clear to everyone that Biden’s time was up, particularly after that debate. Why keep up the pretense that he wasn’t finished?” Morgan asked.

Sisson defended his position by outright lying about Biden’s record and the personal interactions he’s had with him, stating, “I’ve met him, and he was sharp. His achievements and policies matter more than media criticisms.”

Morgan, however, pointed out the stark contrast between Sisson’s claims and Biden’s public mishaps around that time, including stumbling, falling off stages, and making confusing statements. “He was tripping over his own feet and mumbling through speeches,” Morgan noted. “How could he have been ‘sharp’ then?”

Despite numerous White House gaffes, Sisson remained firm in his delusional belief that Biden was fit to serve. “I asked him tough questions, and he handled them well. I have no doubts about his fitness to serve,” Sisson insisted.

Watch the clip:

Morgan’s confrontation with Harry Sisson highlights a troubling trend among some of Biden’s most ardent defenders. Sisson’s insistence that the President is still fit for office, despite mounting evidence of cognitive decline, seems less like genuine belief and more like a delusional defense mechanism. His unwavering support, even in the face of overwhelming public and media scrutiny, paints a picture of someone who is not only out of touch with reality but also deeply committed to maintaining a narrative that suits his agenda.

Sisson’s portrayal of Biden as “sharp” and capable, based on a single favorable encounter, appears to be more about self-delusion and less about objective truth. It’s telling that he disregards the numerous instances of Biden’s public gaffes and inconsistent statements, which have been meticulously documented. By continuing to portray Biden in an unrealistic light, Sisson serves as little more than a propaganda tool, crafting a comforting but misleading narrative for his followers.

His behavior reflects a broader issue within some corners of Biden’s support base: an unwillingness to confront uncomfortable truths in favor of a more convenient fantasy. This denial not only undermines honest political discourse but also prevents meaningful discussion about the President’s fitness for office. It’s a disservice to the democratic process and to voters who deserve a clear-eyed evaluation of their leaders.

Watch the full clip:

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