Home Technology Patreon allows creators to raise fees to amid Apple’s 30% tax

Patreon allows creators to raise fees to amid Apple’s 30% tax


With Patreon memberships sold through the iOS app soon to be charged a 30 percent commission by Apple, creators have been given the choice to increase their prices.

The surcharge will begin on November 4th, 2024 and will be applicable on all memberships purchased through Patreon’s iOS app.

In the past, the California-based company has avoided the fee by using alternative payment processors. But, they say they’re approaching the situation in a creator-first way.

“Apple is requiring us to switch over to their in-app purchase system for all iOS transactions or else risk being kicked out of the App Store altogether,” Patreon said in a news release on the company website, as they prepare to make the change.

This means the iPhone maker will be applying its 30% App Store fee to all new memberships purchased in the Patreon iOS app, including anything bought in the Patreon store.

Patreon builds new tool to address Apple fees

Any creator on first-of-the-month or per-creation billing plans will also have to switch over to subscription filling to continue earning in the iOS app as it’s the only billing option that Apple supports.

Patreon addresses Apple fee. Screenshot of their new tool

Image via press release

To navigate this and to “avoid earning disruptions” the team has built an optional tool that can automatically increase prices – only in the iOS app – to offset the cost of the fee.

“That said, you deserve the chance to decide whether that’s something you want. So, while the automatic price increase is the default option, you also have the choice to keep your prices the same and pay the 30% fee from your earnings.

“We don’t recommend this, because it means you’d earn less per membership on in-app iOS transactions – but ultimately we believe it’s important to give you agency to make your own decisions.”

The prices on the web and through the Android app will remain unaffected for creators.

Featured Image: Via Patreon Facebook page

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