Home Politics ORWELLIAN IRONY: The Left is Now Trying to Cancel George Orwell |...

ORWELLIAN IRONY: The Left is Now Trying to Cancel George Orwell | The Gateway Pundit


The left has pushed the world to nearly 1984 levels of authoritarianism, but apparently they don’t want people to know that there was a book that warned people not to do that.

Could they possibly cancel George Orwell? It sure looks like they’re trying.

You couldn’t make this up.

From the Telegraph, via MSN:

George Orwell was ‘sadistic, misogynistic, homophobic and sometimes violent’

George Orwell was a “sadistic, misogynistic, homophobic, sometimes violent” man who wrote women out of his story, according to a biographer of his wife.

Anna Funder said that Orwell was a brilliant writer but a complicated man whose personal life was at odds with the “decency” of his writing.

She has produced a biography of Eileen O’Shaugnessy, Orwell’s wife – highlighting the contributions O’Shaugnessy made to his work, including helping him to write Animal Farm.

According to Funder, the darkness that runs through 1984 is a reflection of Orwell’s soul.

“Decency is such a core Orwellian value. He writes about it. It’s the quality of the ‘proles’ in 1984 that is going to save us. He wanted to be decent, to be seen as decent, by which he meant a man of integrity, the same inside and out,” said Funder.

“Also, he also used that word to refer to being heterosexual – he was enormously homophobic but deeply attracted to men, and I think not particularly interested in women sexually.

Does anyone on the left see the irony here?

Perhaps we should be urging more people to read Orwell’s works instead of focusing on why he was problematic.


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