Home Politics OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT TRUMP By J6 Political Hostage Richard ‘Bigo’ Barnett:...

OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT TRUMP By J6 Political Hostage Richard ‘Bigo’ Barnett: ‘Wielding The Sword Of Truth Requires Much Sacrifice’ | The Gateway Pundit


J6 political prisoner and retired fire fighter Richard Barnett, who was famously photographed with his feet up on a desk inside former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office during January 6, 2021 Stop the Steal rally, penned  an “Open Letter To President Trump” from his prison cell in Federal Correctional Institution Seagoville.

Amid the political persecution, serving a 4 year prison sentence in the Texas correctional facility, Barnett, affirms he is steadfast in faith as the “present regime” attempts to destroy the former president as they have the political prisoners by “fabricating charges.”

“My strength is beyond their attempts,” wrote the 63 year old political hostage.  “The point of my writing to you, as I sit behind razor wire for the next few years separated from all I love and hold dear, is that I still stand strong for our great nation, a nation founded upon the sacrifice and determination of our forefathers.

“And I stand with you, President Trump, as I know your courage is of the same substance as mine, willing to stand at all costs at those that are intent on destruction of the will of We the People. For you and I both know that wielding the sword of truth requires much sacrifice.”

“I also believe that God, our Father, raises up who he will, as he will, for his purposes and that He is not close to being through with either one of us. So, in this thought I wish you Godspeed, sir.”

Barnett traveled from his Arkansas home to the nation’s capitol on January 6 to support Donald Trump and hear the former president’s speech on the Capitol complex.

Several reporters and photographers also happened to be present when Barnett  entered Pelosi’s office. The photographers reportedly prompted Barnett to pose for pictures, instructing him to sit at the desk and “act natural” as they took a series of of photos.

He testified that he was “going with the flow” wen he struck a pose for the photographers.

Barnett stood in Pelosi’s office for a total of six minutes, he took an envelope from one of the desks and wrote Pelosi a note that read, “Hey Nancy, Bigo was here biotch.”

Two hours later, the photos of Barnett inside Pelosi’s office went viral and became one of the most iconic images of January 6. Pelosi’s daughter, Christine, published Barnett’s photo on Twitter warning the “seditionist will be prosecuted.”

Before leaving the Capitol grounds, Barnett gave a speech to the crowd from a bullhorn.

“We took back our house, and I took Nancy Pelosi’s office,” he said, according to prosecutors.

Hours after Barnett returned home on Jan. 7, the FBI knocked on his door. On Jan. 8, he was apprehended by an army of armed federal agents in a predawn raid and held in pretrial detention.

Barnett was ordered to remain behind bars with no chance to make bail or bond even though he has no criminal record and faces no violent charges.

On Jan. 29, the Justice Department indicted Barnett for Obstruction of an Official Proceeding; Aiding and Abetting; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Entering and Remaining in Certain Rooms in the Capitol Building; Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building; Theft of Government Property.

The “dangerous or deadly weapon,” was a collapsible walking stick that can also be used as a stun gun, that contained no batteries while he was on the Capitol grounds.

Barnett testified during trial that he was pushed into the Capitol and unknowingly entered Pelosi’s office searching for a bathroom.

Joining the riot was “an enigma in my life I regret,” but prosecutors “want me to be remorseful for things I did not do,” Barnett said under oath. “Jan. 6 was a traumatic day for everyone, not just law enforcement.”

On May 25, 2023, a jury found guilty Barnett guilty of eight charges in a DC kangaroo court and he was sentenced by by U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper to over 4 years in prison. Prosecutors sought seven years.

Judge Cooper scolded Barnett enjoying notoriety and media attention after the riot.

“All the folks who know ‘Bigo’ need to know the actions of Jan. 6 cannot be repeated without some serious repercussions,” Cooper told Barnett at the sentencing hearing.

Barnett’s attorney Jonathan Gross said Barnett was singled out because the photo made him famous, arguing he “should not be punished because the government thinks he’s a symbol.”



Immediately after the verdict was read in court, Barnett said he was “absolutely not” given a fair trial.

“I think the venue should’ve been changed. This is not a jury of my peers,” he said. “I don’t agree with the decision, but I do appreciate the process. We’re surely going to appeal.”

Barnett, the breadwinner of his family, thanked the American people for helping his disabled wife and family sustain throughout his incarceration with prayers, letters of support.



Dear President Trump,

You don’t know me but perhaps you have heard of me as I am a J6 political prisoner. My name is Richard “BIGO” Barnett. “BIGO” is a moniker I acquired in 2020 and is short for big O patriot. At the time, I was organizing rallies and fundraising for Stop the Steal, Back the Blue, Save the Children, and Second Amendment rights in the great state of Arkansas.

I am presently in federal prison, a captive of the far-left elitist political regime, their puppet masters and their partisan FBI and DOJ conspirators.

At 61 years of age, I traveled to DC for the January 6th 2021 Stop the Steal rally to peacefully stand in solidarity with you, my president, as well as my fellow America First constitutionalists. I came to let my voice be heard.

I was a conservative business owner with no previous criminal record and was, and still am, an avid supporter of our great Republic and the community in which I reside.

I am a family man and believe that the Democrats’ destruction of the nuclear family and their ability to keep blacks on their welfare plantation has been the catalyst to further a rapidly growing, social justice debacle that excuses individuals from any personal responsibility. They have attacked every common decency known to a civilized ethical mankind and at an attempt at totalitarian socialism.

As with your ongoing situation, the present regime has stripped the blindfold off of Lady Justice, fabricating charges to attempt to destroy me. But my strength is beyond their attempts.

The point of my writing to you, as I sit behind razor wire for the next few years separated from all I love and hold dear, is that I still stand strong for our great nation, a nation founded upon the sacrifice and determination of our forefathers.

And I stand with you, President Trump, as I know your courage is of the same substance as mine, willing to stand at all costs at those that are intent on destruction of the will of We the People. For you and I both know that wielding the sword of truth requires much sacrifice.

I also believe that God, our Father, raises up who he will, as he will, for his purposes and that He is not close to being through with either one of us. So, in this thought I wish you Godspeed, sir.

PS. you don’t have to imagine the financial burden as well as the emotional this burden has placed on us, as my wife is disabled and I’ve always been the sole breadwinner.

If you have access to any patriots that would wish to assist us during this difficult time my family would be most grateful. My account has been set up for donations. It is https://www.givesendgo.com/richardbarnett

PPS – Please consider giving every J6er an autographed pair of your new sneakers.


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