Home Politics Not So Fast: Poland’s Conservative Ruling Party, the Most Voted, Has Not...

Not So Fast: Poland’s Conservative Ruling Party, the Most Voted, Has Not Given Up on Forming New Coalition, Even as MSM Media Fawns Over Tusk’s Liberals | The Gateway Pundit


After polls closed in Poland’s election in mid-October, the world’s MSM declared in a perfect choir that the conservative ruling PiS party had been dethroned by returning former liberal PM Donald Tusk.

This outcome, while a somewhat probable one, still at this time carries a bit of wishful thinking. According to Polish constitution, the most voted party – the ruling PiS – has the first crack at forming the new government.

And current Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is not giving up: he aims to win over opposition party members who are like-minded on key issues.

Reuters reported:

‘I’m not packed’, he was quoted as saying. ‘I want to appeal to those MPs from the Third Way, Confederation and other clubs who care about the social and sovereignty programs and the issue of fighting illegal migration’.

Morawiecki’s Law and Justice (PiS) party came first in the October parliamentary elections with 194 seats but fell far short of a majority in the 460-seat lower house (Sejm).”

It is indeed true that three pro-European opposition parties jointly won 248 mandates. It is said they would be willing to form a cabinet led by opposition leader Donald Tusk.

“‘The opposition is trying to find an agreement – I see it, I take note of it and I know how to count. But perhaps if we present the risks and opportunities, we will gain the support of new MPs’, Morawiecki told Interia.

‘Poles decided that we had achieved the highest result. At the same time, they said: this time you have to look for a coalition partner. We are obliged to make such an attempt’.”

The seemingly only pathway to victory by the PM is to attract Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz, head of the agrarian Polish People’s Party (PSL), with 65 seats.

He has previously denied the possibility of forming a coalition with PiS, but Morawiecki thinks he can convince otherwise.

Meanwhile, MSM is freaking out by the delay in its already celebrated victory.

New York Times reported:

“But, more than two weeks after its victory, the opposition has still not been asked to form a government by Poland’s president, Andrzej Duda, an ally of Law and Justice.

The constitution gives Mr. Duda 30 days from Election Day to make a decision, a long pause that diehard supporters of the defeated party are now using to try to delay and even derail the consequences of their electoral defeat.

Daniel Milewski, a member of Parliament for the governing party, appealed to Mr. Duda ‘to prevent Donald Tusk from becoming prime minister’ and vowed that Law and Justice ‘will do everything to stop this from happening’.”

Some centrists accuse Tusk of having ties to Russian intelligence, and predicted that letting the opposition take power ‘would risk World War III’.

“Another senior Law and Justice legislator, Ryszard Terlecki, warned of dire consequences, including an upsurge in L.G.B.T.Q. activism that he described as a ‘rainbow flood’, if the opposition was allowed to form a government. But he assured supporters that ‘all is not lost’ and ‘we still have hope’ that right-wing forces might be able to form a coalition government ‘that will stop the catastrophe’.”

Read more:

Conservative Polish Government Blasts Germany Ahead of Legislative Election, Say Berlin Pushes Liberal Donald Tusk to Bend Country to Globalist EU Policies

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