Home Politics NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE: Democrat Rahm Emanuel Already Teasing...

NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE: Democrat Rahm Emanuel Already Teasing Presidential Run in 2028 | The Gateway Pundit


Former Chicago Mayor and Obama White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is already teasing a presidential run in 2028. Apparently, Obama needs a fourth term.

You know Emanuel is planning to run because the report below appeared in Politico, which is like newsletter for the Democrat party.

Emanuel is trying to cast himself as the sensible Democrat who will rescue the party from the political wilderness they find themselves in today.

From Politico:

Rahm Emanuel Is Gearing Up to Run for President

Rahm Wants to Run.

Yes, that Rahm. And, yes, for that office — the presidency.

“I’ve only been back two months, I have no idea what I’m doing,” Rahm I. Emanuel, operative-turned-politician-turned-diplomat told me before adding his stock line since returning from serving as ambassador to Japan. “I’m not done with public service and I’m hoping public service is not done with me.”…

The biggest Rahm-may-run tell, though, is that he’s already road-testing the first outlines of a stump speech, or at least an issue he can make his own.

I caught it last month when he came to Washington to appear before a conference held by Democracy Forward, a liberal group helping to lead litigation efforts against the Trump administration.

“I am done with the discussion of locker rooms, I am done with the discussion of bathrooms and we better start having a conversation about the classroom,” Emanuel said, drawing applause as he alluded to a new study showing more than two-thirds of eighth graders can’t read at grade level.

Does that last part sound familiar? It should. Emanuel test-marketed the line during an appearance on the Bill Maher show just two weeks ago. The Gateway Pundit covered the story.

If Emanuel runs, a lot of the Clinton and Obama machine people will back him. It’s hard to see the party’s base getting excited about him though. Especially if he runs away from woke issues.

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